Jan 2, 2025
WATCH: Fox Anchor SHREDS Vivek Ramaswamy
Fox News host Rachel Campos Duffy waded into the MAGA war over H-1B visas.
- 16 minutes
In his ex post, Vivek Ramaswamy argues
that the problem isn't mass immigration
but American culture itself.
It's a convenient theory,
but one that misses the mark entirely.
Recently, Fox anchor Rachel Campos-duffy,
a woman I very rarely agree with,
actually did an interesting
and lengthy takedown of Vivek Ramaswamy
over his support for the use of H-1b visas
by various business owners,
especially Silicon Valley tech bros,
and especially his long rant
against American culture and work ethic.
Now, Duffey started her segment
with the story of Leo Pereiro,
and I think this is a story
that a lot of Americans can relate to.
So he was actually an IT worker over
at Disney, but he was getting laid off.
And if you wanted to collect
his bonus and his severance,
the only way he could do it is if he was
willing to train his Replacement.
A foreign worker who was brought
to the country on an H-1b visa.
So Pereiro said the experience
demoralized him and made him want to leave
the IT field entirely.
He said, I felt extremely un-American.
I felt like I was part of destroying
our economy
because I had to train a replacement
that was going to come here, take my job
and potentially take other people's jobs.
So that aside, let's watch more
of what Campos Duffy had to say.
Americans aren't opposed to bringing
in more geniuses like Elon Musk, but let's
not kid ourselves into believing Disney's
replacements were all budding Einsteins.
These workers are willing to put
up with lower pay, longer hours
and overall worse conditions,
unable to leave their jobs
without risking deportation because they
want to become citizens and bring their
families over through chain migration.
These companies are creating
a permanent underclass of foreign workers.
It's a rigged game designed to create
cheap labor and make it impossible
for American citizens to compete.
This has been a problem for decades,
and despite our leaders
getting directly called out about it,
they refuse to take action.
Now, what's fascinating
about this whole debate on the right end
of the political spectrum is the fact that
Donald Trump has effectively sided with
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy on this.
He says, I, in regard to those
who are mad at him because they feel
he changed his mind on immigration.
He says, I didn't change my mind.
I always felt we have to have
the most competent people in our country.
We need competent people.
We need smart people
coming into our country.
We need a lot of people coming.
We need a lot of people coming in.
We need a lot of people coming in.
He didn't change his mind.
He didn't change his mind.
He didn't change his mind.
Oh my God.
No. I think this is a brutal wake up call
for a lot of Trump supporters, right?
Because it's just so brazen
that he's siding with the guy,
the billionaire who funded his campaign.
This is how politics works in America.
And we hate it.
We hate the corruption.
But let me finish this statement.
Finally, he says we're going to have jobs
like we've never had before.
So was I'm just going
to go straight to you.
Before we continue on
with more details to this story.
Where do where to even begin with this?
Just that segment on Fox News,
honestly, could have been
words spoken by Bernie Sanders.
Before 2016.
Like that's literally a Bernie Sanders
Bernie Kratt talking point about working
conditions and the way that management
and capital artificially depress wages
for American workers by bringing.
And so, again,
let's get to the, these H1 visas.
If they brought these folks in
and automatically made them
American citizens, I'm okay with that.
I'm cool with immigration.
Just generally speaking, these people come
in and get to work at Google or Facebook
or whatever the hell it is.
Cool. Make them American.
I'm sure they can get other jobs
and, you know, be part of a nice tax base
and all of that stuff.
I'm cool with it.
But we know that's not what happens.
They basically get turned into,
I'm sorry, indentured servitude
where they can't even leave their job.
They can't even go the company that got
the visa issued for them, they can't
even go take their work somewhere else.
They're beholden to these folks.
And so of course,
they're willing to work longer hours.
Of course they're willing
to take less days off.
And what do you think that does
that creates an environment,
a culture within that workplace.
And so of course,
that's why management loves it.
They're undercutting their workforce,
their American born workforce
by saying, look at these folks
whose visas and livelihood
and their ability to stay in America.
Look at how they behave at our job.
Aren't they great? You should follow suit.
So, you know,
we shouldn't be surprised by that.
And then the other thing that I think
conservatives are slowly waking up to,
is that you got to stand by a principle
and you have to apply it always.
Meaning what's the principle?
Billionaires unelected didn't run
a campaign, should not be setting policy
because they're going
to set policy for themselves.
There's going to be every now and again,
there's going to be some stuff that
overlaps for normal people was like, yeah,
Elon said he didn't like immigration.
Yeah, okay.
But the principle should always be
these guys are unaccountable to anybody.
Why should they have a right
to dictate terms in the government.
So I don't care if it's Elon Musk.
I don't care if it's, you know,
some of these Wall Street people that the
Dems seem to be so obsessed with and other
business tycoons, I don't care who it is.
The principle holds true.
Like, these people should not have
an outsized voice in government.
And I totally agree with you.
You brought up Bernie Sanders,
so I can't help but read his tweet
from today where he calls out Elon Musk
saying Elon Musk is wrong.
The main function of the H-1b visa program
is not to hire the best and the brightest,
but rather to replace
good paying American jobs with low wage
indentured servants from abroad.
The cheaper the labor they hire,
the more money the billionaires make.
And this is where I think that there's
common ground among some on the left
and a faction of Trump's base.
Right. The America first base.
Now, look, some of them use rhetoric
that I disagree with.
I have no malice in my heart
for foreign workers or foreigners, period.
But I do have malice in my heart for
billionaires and for these corporations
who screw over American workers.
And instead bring in workers from abroad
that they can abuse,
that they can pay far less.
And look, imagine doing the work,
going to college,
digging yourself into that debt
to get the degree necessary to get hired
for one of these Silicon Valley jobs, and
then getting laid off before you leave,
you got to train the foreign worker
that they brought from another country,
or else you're not going to get
your severance pay, because that's what's
happening right now in the country.
And I understand that resentment
and that anger that people are feeling.
And so I'm so curious to see
how this plays out, because unlike 2016,
I am noticing that there are members of
Trump's base who are willing to criticize
him pretty viciously if he's not going
along with what he promised to do And
in this case, this is an America first.
If you're going to support
a an abused worker visa program
to the detriment of the American people,
you know, this faction of his support
supporters are going to speak out.
They've been speaking out.
And I can't believe we're watching
a Fox News segment right now.
showing concern for American workers like.
Workers rights, working conditions.
Like what?
I love it, I love it, I'll take it.
So let's pivot to the culture war element
to this, because Duffy was furious
at the fact that Vivek Ramaswamy
essentially engaged in this lengthy
Twitter thread or X thread,
claiming that American workers
are essentially lazy bums and their work
ethic isn't great, and so they have no
choice but to bring in foreign workers
because their work ethic is much better.
So, as mentioned earlier,
Campos-duffy went off on Ramaswamy's
takedown of American culture.
So if you've forgotten what he said,
here are a few of the excerpts
from that long rant.
He said our American culture
has venerated mediocrity
over excellence for way too long.
By the way, productivity in America
just keeps shooting up, shooting up,
shooting up, shooting up.
But okay, let me continue.
At least since the 90s and likely longer.
That doesn't start in college.
It starts young.
A culture that celebrates the prom queen
over the Math Olympiad champ
or the jock over the valedictorian
will not produce the best engineers.
If you grow up aspiring to normalcy,
normalcy is what you will achieve.
Normalcy doesn't cut it
in a hyper competitive global market
for technical talent.
And if we pretend like it does, we'll
have our asses handed to us by China.
Look, I'm so sick of, like,
the China fear mongering.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Like the boogeyman utilized
to beat American workers to submission.
So compost Duffy's response is interesting
because on one hand, it covers the usual,
like Fox talking points
about cultural Marxism and the like.
But on the other hand,
she also states that like, there's more
to life than making big corporations.
A lot of money.
I know, I know, it's crazy.
So let's watch.
American culture
gave the world electricity.
Airplanes, cars, Elvis, the internet.
Rocky Balboa and Star Wars.
What we're witnessing now
isn't the failure of American culture,
but the deliberate erosion of it.
A demoralization campaign
fueled by decades of mass immigration
and an education system
poisoned by cultural Marxism?
Sadly, we're replacing
American goodness with Godlessness.
Some of his newest members envision
a cold tech and corporate future for us.
When that fails to appreciate the humanity
and vulnerability of our own citizens,
secularism, transhumanism
and I will never satisfy the soul.
America is not a sports team,
and winning in the stock market is not my
definition of success for America.
I can't believe I just heard
that last sentence, especially especially
I don't I don't know what to make of it.
- It's just so.
- Much.
There's just so much going on.
So one of the the more interesting
parts for me watching this play out
is the culture war on American culture.
Like, if we could just rewind when that
whole thing about the Haitian immigrants
in, in Ohio was going on and, you know,
some of the least foaming at the mouth
Klansmen, sort of people on the right.
We're pointing out, like, look like there
are people who aren't just racists.
It's like a bunch of people
coming to their neighborhood,
and they feel like things are changing,
and this is not what they signed up for.
They didn't give an okay.
And they feel like, you know,
things are happening under their feet.
This idea that, like their culture is now
changing with Vivek Ramaswamy just said
is like, no, that's exactly what we want.
We think American culture is deficient.
We want to replace it
with an Indian culture.
And by the way, all of the worst
parts of it and none of the good.
Okay, nothing about community, nothing
about like, a sort of sense of belonging
and togetherness and all of that.
Just this idea
that there are Indian workers who are
willing to work themselves to the nub,
and that's what we should follow.
Nothing else about, an Indian culture.
And that's just so crazy to me
because, you know, to me,
I always make the the sort of argument
about immigration is like, these people
are just going to become Americans.
That's just what it is.
That's just how our culture is.
They're going to end up eating hot dogs.
They're going to end up,
you know, buying way too much.
Ben and Jerry's
at the freaking supermarket.
Maybe I'm telling on myself, but like,
they're just going to become Americans.
That's just what we do here.
But what Vivek and Ellen
to what they're saying is like,
no, we need to change American culture.
- They're dissing America as an idea.
- Yes, yes, 100%.
These are these sicko.
You know, I have this no love lost
between me and these tech people.
Like these people
don't believe in nations.
Just the idea of being patriotic
and prioritizing the people of a nation of
nationhood itself, they think is stupid.
They think, you know, this is some
pig headed nonsense from the plebs,
like they don't believe in some sense
of belonging and being part of it.
And guess what? I'm not surprised.
These freaking dorks are anti-social.
That's why you didn't have any friends.
And the reason why Vivek is mad,
I'm telling y'all, is because some hot
sorority chicks in college didn't give him
any play, and he's still pissed about it.
That's all he's talking about.
This idea that we didn't love
Screech and Urkel enough.
- People love those characters.
- Hell yeah.
I mean, it's insane.
This is all just a personal vendetta
of a bunch of freaking dorks.
Well, look and look,
when it comes to Elon Musk,
that dork is looking to maximize profits.
Like, I don't care that he's, like,
already the richest man in the world.
Like, for them, it's never enough.
And he is willing to sell out American
workers in order to maximize his profits.
And I think, you know, again, a faction
of MAGA has woken up to that, and I'm glad
that they've woken up to that, and I'm
glad they're speaking out against it.
And look,
I have a few other things to say.
Number one, I haven't really heard much
from populist JD Vance on this.
Could it be because Donald Trump
has sided with Elon Musk on it?
- You know the.
- Vibes.
Okay. So that's point number one.
Point number two is so if you're working
so hard that you're almost like sleeping
at the office every night,
how exactly is that going to help
with our lower birth rate problem.
Like is he inviting people
to knock boots on his desk over at Tesla?
Like, it's just it's Elon Musk is
brilliant in a lot of ways, but he's
also not brilliant in a lot of ways.
And this is an example of that, right?
He has difficulty seeing outside
of his own like lived experience.
People are not going to be able to raise
families if they're forced to work
in the way that Vivek Ramaswamy
and Elon Musk demand they work.
And honestly, the best thing in life
is not spending as much time
in the office as humanly possible, or
making as much money as humanly possible.
It is spending time with your family.
But that's the thing.
If you're working like that, you're not
able to spend time with your family and
you're not able to raise your own kids.
And that's not the kind of life
Americans want to live.
And I support them in not wanting
to live that kind of life.
I totally agree with them
in not wanting to live that kind of life.
And if Americans are working hard,
if they're going to school,
if they're getting their education,
they're doing everything right,
and they're undercut by foreign workers
because they get to, corporations get
to abuse them and pay them less.
Well, that's wrong, and I'm glad
that people are speaking out against it.
That's not to say that the entire program
should be eliminated.
I think there's still a role for H-1b
visas, especially if there's a shortage
of workers in a specialized field.
But Americans should be considered first
for those jobs, and there needs
to be more protection for American workers
when it comes to abuses of the system.
And to be sure,
there are many abuses of the system.
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