Jan 2, 2025
'Free Speech Warrior' Elon Musk DEMONETIZES His Critics
Billionaire Elon Musk is reportedly demonetizing critics on his platform X.
- 10 minutes
Elon Musk has now officially stripped
his critics of monetization on X,
thus, you know,
reneging on his free speech absolutism.
And look, while I certainly think this is
wrong to do, I really do hope that some
of the individuals who are celebrating
his purchase of X now realize that, yeah,
maybe having a billionaire have this
much power over a platform that we love, a
platform where we want to share our ideas
or our criticisms isn't such a great idea.
So before we get to his self-defense
of essentially demonetizing people
who have criticized him or, you know,
essentially robbing them of their,
you know, verification badges,
let's just do a refresh on why one faction
of MAGA is now at war with Elon Musk.
So Musk actually ended up butting heads
with some Trump supporters recently, after
he had shared his love for H-1b visas.
We covered this in detail recently.
So the visas have absolutely been abused
by Silicon Valley tech bros
who essentially want to hire
high skilled foreign workers to replace
American workers and pay them far less.
It's an easy way to maximize profits.
Anyone in the tech industry
who's claiming that H-1b visas
aren't being abused is lying to you.
Now, my view on this is incredibly nuanced
because I think Americans,
especially Americans who did the work,
went to college,
got a degree, did everything right, and
are qualified for these jobs, should be
first in being considered for these jobs.
They should fill these jobs, period.
But I don't want to completely scrap H-1b
visas, because if there is an instance
where there's a shortage of workers
in a particular field that is
high skilled, I want that to be an option.
I don't have a problem
with foreign high skilled workers.
I have a problem with them
replacing American workers
so companies can maximize their profits
by paying those foreign workers less.
That is my issue with it.
So with that in mind, the disagreement
about H-1b visas between Trump supporters
and Elon Musk really blew up recently,
and that led to salty criticism
toward Elon Musk, who, again,
is very favorable toward H-1b visas.
Tesla, for instance,
has certainly made use of H-1b visas.
And so when Trump allies like Laura
Loomer went after him, for instance,
he decided to demonetize her and she
was understandably furious about it.
Look, I'm not a fan of Laura Loomer,
but at the same time, she's right in that
Elon Musk, you know, he talks a big talk
when it comes to protecting free speech.
Unless it's speech he doesn't like.
And look, to be fair to Elon Musk, I think
pretty much everyone is full of crap when
it comes to their free speech absolutism.
I think a lot of people like to say
they're in favor of free speech
when they want their own speech protected.
But when it comes to speech
they don't like, oftentimes they'll find
pathetic justifications
for essentially censoring that speech.
So in addition to all of this, Musk also
suspended several lower profile accounts.
And, why don't we put up
Bernie Sanders's tweet real quick?
Because before we get to Elon Musk's
defense of his censorious nature on X,
I just want you to hear
from Senator Bernie Sanders
because I agree with his take on this.
He also took a jab at Elon Musk for good
reason, because these visas are absolutely
being, overused and abused to the
detriment of American workers, he wrote.
Elon Musk is wrong.
The main function of the H-1b visa program
is not to hire the best and the brightest,
but rather to replace
good paying American jobs with low wage
indentured servants from abroad.
The cheaper the labor they hire,
the more money the billionaires make.
He's absolutely right about that.
And by the way, when he says indentured
servants, what I think he's referring to
is the fact that these are foreign workers
who know that they don't have
as much leverage as American citizens do.
And so Elon Musk is on the record
about how he expects his workers
to be like workhorses, you know, work long
hours, so much so that you're almost like,
sleeping at the office.
And so if you're an American worker
who's not worried about having
your visa revoked,
you might push back on that a little bit.
But if you're a foreign worker
who might have your visa revoked,
you're not going to have as much leverage,
let's put it that way.
So Musk responded to one of his supporters
on the platform, confirming that he did,
in fact punish Ex-users
for using speech that he didn't like,
namely speech that criticized him.
To be fair, there was also some
pretty gross, you know, racist speech,
anti, you know, Indian speech
that I am not at all in favor of.
I find it disgusting.
But if you guys have noticed,
X has had a lot of racist rhetoric, a lot
of hate, hateful rhetoric that's really
been exacerbated under Elon Musk's watch,
and he kind of made justifications
for that by saying, well, yeah,
this is free speech.
I'm allowing it, right.
I'm not going to be as censorious as,
you know, Twitter was under the old guard,
but now all of a sudden,
you don't like racist speech.
Is it really about that or is it because
you don't like that people disagree
with your take on H-1b visas?
So one of his supporters, Nicole Benham,
wrote that people getting demonetized
for their inexcusable behavior
than complaining about free speech
is hilarious to me.
You can say whatever you want.
You just can't get paid for it.
Hope this helps.
Well, I just want to remind you
that when it comes to the low profile,
X users, some of them did get suspended.
So that is a violation
of Elon Musk's purported values.
But he responded to that
by saying exactly.
The First Amendment is protection for
free speech, not paid speech for F's sake.
Those were similar arguments
that were being made prior to Elon Musk
purchasing Twitter and turning it into X,
and they weren't buying those arguments.
So it is interesting that now suddenly,
the same arguments that were used
in response to people like Elon Musk
under the old guard
are now being used by Elon Musk himself.
These are arguments
that he rejected previously.
Then there was another example
featuring Nick Fuentes
complaining about Elon's punitive measures
against X users who disagree with him.
So he had written Twitter censorship
is back, free speech is dead.
Seth Dillon had, quote, tweeted that and
said 1.6 million views isn't censorship.
Elon Musk responded, claiming censorship
while simultaneously getting millions
of views is the clearest possible evidence
that Fuentes has poop for brains.
Okay, Look, I think that in a lot of ways
Nick Fuentes does have poop for brains,
but in this case,
he is bringing up a legitimate point.
He's bringing up a point.
I mean, yes, okay.
His tweet got a lot of views, but the
whole notion of free speech isn't just
about being able to say whatever you want.
First of all, obviously this is
a private company owned by Elon Musk.
It's not protected by the Constitution.
But that's beside the point.
Put that put that away for a second.
Elon Musk made the argument that this
platform should be the type of platform
where people are free to say
what they want to say without punishment.
Demonetizing accounts
because they are criticizing you
specifically is punishment.
So if I say something negative about
the government, I mean, I just did a story
about how much I dislike Jake Sullivan
in Biden's administration.
If Biden turned around and somehow
sanctioned me or somehow punished me
for that speech, that would be a violation
of the First Amendment, even if
millions of people heard me say it.
So in reality, it seems as though
Elon Musk really has thin skin.
He really does.
It's kind of amazing, right?
It doesn't matter how many billions
of dollars you have,
it doesn't matter how powerful you are.
It doesn't matter if the president of the
United States, who, you know, famously,
is not very friendly toward immigration,
suddenly is very much in agreement
with you when it comes to H-1b visas.
He's still easily hurt.
So here's what has happened.
So Musk continued to receive
even more backlash after he doubled down
on his support for H-1b visas, endorsing
a post which suggested Americans were too.
And he used the R word to be hired for
skilled positions and warning his critics
in an expletive laden rant.
Take a big step back and f yourself in the
face, Musk told critics of the H-1b visa.
I will go to war on this issue,
the likes of which you cannot comprehend.
I guess for him, going to war just means
suspending the lesser known low profile
accounts who disagree with him.
And then when it comes
to the high profile accounts, it's going
to look bad if he suspends them.
But maybe he can just demonetize them
and get away with it.
The point is, he was full of crap when it
came to his free speech absolutism.
But a lot of people are.
People don't like others
disagreeing with them.
The knee jerk reaction to censor,
I think, lives in a lot of people.
And it is amazing that like the most
insidious, terrible, harassing,
like racist statements on on X
were untouched by Elon Musk until now.
All of a sudden.
I don't like that people
are disagreeing with me
and criticizing me pretty viciously.
So demonetize suspend.
I'm still allegedly
in favor of free speech.
People aren't buying it. Sorry.
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