Jan 2, 2025
REPORT: Biden Admin CONSIDERED Striking Iran?!
White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan presented President Biden with options for a U.S. attack on Iran, according to Axios.
- 11 minutes
Axios is reporting that white House
national security adviser Jake Sullivan
actually presented President Joe Biden
with options for a potential U.S.
Attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.
So let me just pause
to make sure you guys absorb that.
Jake Sullivan was presenting Joe Biden
options for the United States military
to carry out strikes against Iran,
specifically Iran's nuclear facilities.
If the Iranians, you know,
move toward building nuclear weapons
before January 20th.
So let's just pause for a second and take
in how unbelievably absurd that would be.
You've got weeks left
in your administration.
Imagine if the United States,
under the last few weeks
that Biden is in power, decides to carry
out military activity against Iran.
And essentially, you know,
I mean, that's an that is an
escalation of epic proportions.
Okay, the US at that point
would be in a hot war with Iran.
And then Donald Trump takes over.
Jake Sullivan is one of the people
that I am very happy
to not have to hear from for a while until
the next corporate Democrat gets elected.
I'm sure he'll have some role
because it's always the same people
over and over again.
But the irresponsible nature of this
really does blow my mind.
So let me give you
some more details about it.
So basically, during Donald Trump's first
term, he made what I believe is a mistake
because of something
that Benjamin Netanyahu urged him to do,
which is to rip up the Iran nuclear deal.
The Iran nuclear deal,
which was a deal involving
several countries the United States, Iran
and several of our European allies,
agreed that there would be, you know, an
effort to check in on Iran and make sure
that they're not building nuclear weapons.
Netanyahu didn't like that deal,
even though it had safeguards, even though
Iran allowed, you know, individuals
to go into their country to make sure
they're not building nuclear weapons.
The reason why Netanyahu
didn't like that deal is because that
hindered the possibility of the United
States going to war with Iran.
And to be sure, the far right members
of Israel's government, including Benjamin
Netanyahu, he's on the record on this,
have been trying to egg the US
on in attacking Iran,
essentially having the United States
fight Israel's war on their behalf.
Luckily, so far,
the US has resisted those calls.
But if the United States government
is concerned about Iran building
nuclear weapons, we could have reentered
the Iran nuclear deal after Trump
made the mistake of ripping it up.
Biden, in fact, ran on the promise
of reinstating the Iran nuclear deal.
But he didn't do that, did he?
And so what does that mean when you
have more and more aggression from Israel
and Iran feels like, okay, well,
they're going to come for us, there's some
possibility that they're actually going
to start building nuclear weapons.
Now, we have no confirmation of that.
And up until a few months ago,
Iran was denying that they were
building any nuclear weapons.
But over the last few months,
some of the politicians there,
some of the officials there
started talking publicly about maybe we
really should enrich uranium to 90%
in order to build nuclear weapons,
because let's keep it real, folks.
If you're a nuclear country,
if you have nuclear weapons, the
likelihood of other countries attacking
you is diminished to some extent.
And so Jake Sullivan
takes these public statements,
knocks on Joe Biden's door and says, yo,
I've got some I've got some possibilities
for you if you're interested in
the US military carrying out strikes
against their nuclear facilities.
Now, luckily, there was no commitment
from Biden to do any of this, but it is
concerning that the president, on one
hand, is a man with cognitive decline.
And all these people around him,
including Jake Sullivan,
seem to be the ones calling the shots.
What if Joe Biden decided to greenlight
an incredibly irresponsible thing to do?
That's the fear here.
And imagine Biden greenlighting that
like weeks before Trump goes into office,
weeks before he's inaugurated
as the new president.
So Axios reports that behind the scenes,
some of Biden's top aides
have argued internally that two trends
the acceleration of Iran's nuclear program
and the weakening of Iran
and its proxies in their war with Israel,
together give Biden an imperative
and an opportunity to strike.
The sources said some of Biden's aides,
including Sullivan,
think that the degrading of Iran's air
defenses and missile capabilities,
along with the significant weakening
of Iran's regional proxies, would improve
the odds of a successful strike and
decrease the risk of Iranian retaliation.
Okay, we all remember
what a disaster Iraq was.
Now, consider the military capabilities of
Iran, because Iran's military capabilities
are far more superior than
anything the US experienced with Iraq.
How is this a good idea at all?
And what?
How would the US benefit from this at all?
I understand how some Israeli officials
are trying to go the US into doing this,
but how exactly would
this be beneficial to the United States?
How would it be beneficial
to the Middle East?
I mean, Jake Sullivan's going into this
with the assumption that like,
oh, yeah, we're totally going to get them.
They're weakened.
Iran has shown
an insane level of restraint.
We actually don't know what they're fully
capable of at this moment, because they
know if they carry out the kind of attack
that you would expect from Iran.
That's when the US
would get involved militarily,
and it might not bode well for them.
But if anyone in the United States
government thinks that it would be
a cakewalk to defeat Iran, I mean,
they really have another thing coming,
but it might actually lead
to a drawn out Lengthy, brutal war
where the only individuals that really
benefit are the military contractors.
The military industrial complex and all
of those executives and shareholders
that literally make money off war.
So I'm going to give you some more from
Sullivan because this guy is unbelievable.
This is a direct quote.
You can look at the public statements
of Iranian officials, which have changed
in the last few months as they have been
dealt with strategic blows, says Sullivan.
To raise the question, do we have
to change our doctrine at some point?
The fact that that's coming out publicly
is something that has to be looked at
extremely carefully, Sullivan said.
And this was at a conference
in New York two weeks ago
at the same event, according to Axios.
Sullivan suggested the blows Iran and its
proxies had received over the last year
could push Tehran to seek a nuclear weapon
it generates choices for that adversary
that can be quite dangerous.
And that's something we have to remain
extremely vigilant about as we go forward.
Biden didn't commit to anything.
He didn't say yes or no.
And you know, I gotta I gotta be honest.
This is a Barak Ravid reporting,
and it's a little wishy washy for my taste
because on one hand he's like,
but, you know, Sullivan wasn't trying
to encourage Biden to do this.
I just read you his quotes.
I just read you his quotes.
It sounds like encouragement
to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.
I mean, I understand you want access
to your sources,
but you got to call a spade a spade.
The quotes speak for themselves.
The idea that Sullivan wasn't trying
to persuade Biden to do this incredibly
irresponsible attack is, like, ludicrous.
It's like it's laughable.
So look, Iran allegedly has increased
its uranium enrichment to 60%,
close enough to the 90% level,
according to Raviv's reporting.
Needed to produce a nuclear weapon
that Iran's advanced centrifuges
could accomplish in a matter of days.
60% is not that close to 90%.
And the idea of doing an attack
and treating this as if it's an
imminent threat is laughable
and incredibly irresponsible thinking.
If you want to prevent Iran
from building nuclear weapons.
I don't know, maybe go back
to something Obama did correctly,
which was entering a nuclear deal with
Iran, along with our European allies,
who ensured that there were checks
involved to prevent Iran from actually
building nuclear weapons
to prevent them from enriching uranium.
That was the right way to go about it.
But now there's no discussion
about any deal.
And by the way, when Biden was first
elected, Iran wanted to meet with him.
They wanted to have conversations
and negotiations about reentering
the Iran nuclear deal when Trump ripped up
the Iran nuclear deal.
Iran actually continued following it
for some number of months,
hoping that the United States would come
to its senses because our allies
were also part of the deal,
were urging the US to reenter the deal.
So really, the US government
has one of two choices.
They could either continue escalating
toward a hot war with Iran
on behalf of Israel, which would benefit
the United States 0%. Or they can,
I don't know, maybe think about peaceful
diplomatic solutions, but people
don't really make money from the peaceful
diplomatic solutions, do they?
And our precious ally Israel wouldn't
be happy with the peaceful option here.
So I'm glad that Biden
didn't commit to doing this.
I don't know how Trump would behave or
how he would respond to, you know, Iran.
He did not handle Iran well,
in my opinion, in his first term.
I think what he did with the Iran
nuclear deal was a massive mistake.
So we'll see what happens.
But the idea that an outgoing president
would escalate toward a hot war with
a foreign country right before the new
president is inaugurated is insane to me.
Absolutely insane.
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