Jan 2, 2025
Lindsey Graham Uses NYE Terror Attack To Advocate For War
Sen. Lindsey Graham insisted that the New Orleans NYE terror attack was coordinated by ISIS.
- 7 minutes
Was the story broke during the show.
And these are the types of politicians
I worry about the most.
So it turns out that Lindsey Graham,
Republican senator, of course,
is railing against how the media
has been covering the horrific attacks
that took place on New Year's Day.
One took place, of course, in Louisiana
on Bourbon Street, where a guy named
Sean Shamsud Din Jabar ran over a bunch of
people with his truck on Bourbon Street,
killing 14. And then there was
that cyber truck that blew up in front
of Trump Tower in Las Vegas.
Only the person in the Cybertruck died
as a result of that, though, luckily.
Now Lindsey Graham is apparently blasting
the media for treating the deadly
terror attack in New Orleans as a crime
and not part of a larger war on terrorism,
because he wants, like he wants
any excuse to go to war, any excuse.
He sees this as an opportunity
to propagandize people, to scare people.
Graham said there was an important
distinction between simple violent crime
and the deadly New Year's Day truck
ramming in New Orleans.
Police said 42 year old and this is,
by the way, reported by media.
So I want to give them credit
because I'm reading from their report.
Police said 42 year old,
Shamsuddin Jabar killed 14 people.
Blah blah blah. We know about that.
The suspect who was killed in a shootout
with police was also carrying an ISIS flag
and an AR 15 style rifle.
In a Thursday post in on his
formerly Twitter account,
Graham ripped the media for its coverage
of Jabbar's alleged actions.
Quote, as I watch coverage
of this barbaric, cowardly attack
that was ISIS inspired,
it is disturbing how far America has
drifted from the fact that we are in a
state of war with radical Islamic forces.
Are we?
Is that is that what we're in right now?
The coverage suggests we're fighting
a crime, and that ISIS inspired attacks
are mere criminal events,
not part of a larger war on terrorism.
The difference between fighting a war
and a crime is substantial.
Like, look, there's no evidence right now
indicating that he was working alongside
ISIS or working with other ISIS members
to carry out some sort of war
against Americans.
Okay. This was a super troubled guy.
American citizen, Army vet,
had financial issues.
Two, obviously, like bad divorces.
I don't know exactly
what was on this guy's mind
when he carried out this attack.
But to take this tragedy,
to take the horrific attack and try
to blow it up into something bigger,
just so we can encourage our troops to
engage in more war abroad is insane to me.
It really is.
And this is, this is this is his legacy.
This is what Lindsey Graham is all about.
And the only time he's ever disagreed
with Donald Trump, the only time he's
ever spoken out against his daddy
is when Trump doesn't want to go to war.
And he does.
Lindsey Graham is disgusting.
He disgusts me.
People like him should not be serving
in any governmental role.
Certainly not as a US senator.
It's it's basically he's the mouthpiece
for the war machine.
That's what folks need to understand.
Whenever this guy opens his mouth,
he is speaking on behalf
of the military industrial complex.
And if Lindsey Graham could have it, we
it's not 1 trillion annually isn't enough.
We'd be doing 3 trillion.
We'd be doing 4 trillion.
We'd be at war. We'd be in China.
We'd be in Taiwan
fighting China right now.
We'd be in Iran fighting right now,
by the way, simultaneously and probably
getting our asses kicked, mind you,
we would just we'd be in North Korea,
we'd be in Venezuela.
We'd be everywhere.
If Lindsey Graham could have his way.
But I feel heartened by the fact
that Americans understand
that it's not 2004 anymore.
And you can't just whip up fear
and scare the hell out of people
by just mentioning terrorism.
ISIS like, prove it, bro.
Prove that this guy was in contact with,
I don't know, the Houthis or something.
Like who are we
even calling terrorists anymore?
It's like it's.
It's a word that doesn't
even have a meaning.
Our last presidential election,
which is a, you know, a pretty
good bellwether for the, quote unquote,
issues that Americans care about,
or at least that the parties care about.
Neither candidate from the major parties
talked about terrorism.
It's not a thing.
I'm sorry, Lindsey Graham.
People recognize that a lunatic did
a horrible act, and it's horrible.
And, you know, these families,
these victims.
Like what?
Like, are their lives made somehow better?
Will they be soothed
from having lost their loved ones?
Because Lindsey Graham wants us
to acknowledge that ISIS or something
had something to do with, like,
what is he talking about?
Who is this actually for?
Who does this rhetoric actually benefit?
What what is America
not doing abroad enough?
In terms of terrorism prevention?
Like, this guy literally just
drove a rental car into a crowd.
Yeah, like checking checking Israel
would be one and the US refusing
to check Israel's terroristic acts.
On the table for Lindsey Graham.
We know that.
But again, and you know, I'm old enough
to remember when terrorism was nine, 11,
you know what I'm saying?
Like, I'm sorry. I hate to be this crass.
This isn't up to the level, guys.
It's not.
It's just not going to scare people.
That was a coordinated attack
by some foreign actors
with the express written goal
of hitting the freaking American empire.
Like, people don't like to mention this,
but the CIA was in the damn Twin Towers.
Like that's what that's part
of why they targeted the Twin Towers.
Okay? Like they targeted the Pentagon.
They were targeting
the damn American war machine, right?
This was not that.
This guy got in the car
and did something horrible.
Yeah, changing topics entirely.
Mad in.
Oh, made in. I don't I'm I mad in.
Anyway, one of our viewers writes in.
I'm sorry, I can't read.
So the painting was is called
Portrait of Janine Hebuterne
and Amedeo Modigliani is the painter?
Of course I know.
I'm Italian because I was,
I was in Rome back in September.
Yeah. My new name is Eugene O'Neill.
That's my new name y'all.
I love it, I love it so good.
Okay. My paisan, she gets it.
She does, she does. All right.
By the way, just going back
to our Carville conversation.
Kate is very young and very brilliant.
- Kate is the.
- Goat.
She's the best.
She is. She is.
- So when she.
- Has.
Best, when she has a suggestion,
I listen because it's always a good one.
So Carville should, like, learn
lessons from that and not just assume
that young people are just inevitably
saying things that are nonsense.
But I really do think that our viewer,
who says he's probably talking about Gaza,
probably was right.
- Imagine so.
- Yeah.
Oh, God.
The Democratic Party
hates those pro-Palestinian protesters.
Yeah, he hates them.
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