Jan 2, 2025
Don Jr. Trashes Dad's 'Amateur' New Years Eve Bash
Donald Trump Jr. said that people treat him like an "imbecile" at his father’s annual New Year’s Eve bash at Mar-a-Lago.
- 14 minutes
I didn't know that he was.
A lot better because it was like,
there's always something to do.
There's always a party.
There's always something.
I just lost my job.
There's always something.
But, now it's sort of like amateur night.
So Don junior apparently was not thrilled
about having to spend New Year's Eve
at his daddy's big Mar-A-Lago
New Year's Eve bash,
calling the event, which happens to fall
on his birthday amateur night.
So on Monday's episode of triggered with
Don Jr. So he expressed he wasn't really
looking forward to going to the Big Bash,
the big party and celebrating his birthday
at Mar-A-Lago with his dad.
So here he is explaining why.
New Year's is always a little rough.
You know, my birthday is New Year's Eve,
so, you know, tomorrow.
Tomorrow is my birthday.
I get older, when I was a kid,
New Year's Eve was a lot better because it
was like, there's always something to do.
There's always a party,
there's always something.
I just lost my job.
There's always something.
But, now it's sort of like amateur night.
And I realized that.
And so, you know, I get to be around,
you know, a thousand drunk people
giving me their political opinions
that I don't necessarily want to hear.
You know, while I love Mar-A-Lago,
it's sort of like, you know,
the, you know, by about midnight
when everyone's like, you know,
12 beers deep or, you know,
whatever it is they're drinking,
you know, the close talking opinions,
you know, it's not for me.
This will be like, you're like nine of.
Hey, you know, have you ever thought
to maybe have your dad not tweet that?
Or like, I'm like, no, I've never thought
that because I'm a freaking imbecile.
Like, I've never, never thought, wow,
you you are an incredible political mind.
You know, that's less of a problem lately.
But this was the first few years of,
you know, political commentary,
you know, tomorrow.
Why don't you just do this or,
you know, so, yeah, I don't know.
Okay, so he actually said some stuff
in there that I agree with, right?
Like you're at a party,
you want to have fun.
You don't want to talk about politics.
Look, I say that.
And then inevitably,
I end up talking about politics.
And I'm the one who brings it up
because I can't help myself.
But going into it, I'm like, oh,
I really don't want to talk about that.
People always ask me about politics,
but I'm it just happens.
So I get where he's coming from.
He also says that he's sober
and it's like annoying to be around
a bunch of people who aren't sober.
So I can feel him.
I mean, I'm not sober, so I. Can.
I can I can understand where he's coming.
From. Decidedly not sober.
No, I drink, in fact,
like over the last few weeks,
because of the holidays, I feel like, oh,
yeah, I haven't gotten drunk, but, like,
having a drink or two almost every night.
Not great.
That doesn't make me feel great.
But yeah, you know what?
I commend him for trashing
his father's New Year's Eve party.
- Good.
- No. And I get it.
And a part of me,
in a small way can relate.
Because oftentimes, especially
when I'm like, with a bunch of dudes
who I don't know that well,
and they find out what I do for work,
they just want to talk about sports.
It's just like sports.
They just giving me the sports takes its
hot take after hot take after hot take.
And I'm like, you know,
you want to engage people.
But at the same time it's like guys like,
we're not supposed to be working.
I'm not supposed to be working right now.
And so I do feel him on that
and just, you know, of course, like,
inevitably people that are drunk or like,
there just any level of decorum
or inhibition is just gone and it's just
going to be a stream of conscious of.
Yes, not the most brilliant political,
you know, discussions ever.
Like like he's right.
Like I could imagine people being like,
yeah, you should probably
get your dad not to tweet that.
That would be smart. Like, yeah, I get it.
It's kind of funny, but I get it.
So let's talk a little bit
about what happened at the big party.
So 300 guests attended this amateur night,
as Don Jr likes to call it.
And the list is very unappealing for me.
So, I don't know how unappealing it is
for Don Jr. Seems like the type of people
he likes to hang out with.
So for instance, like, I don't want
to ring in the new year with Roger Stone
or Miriam Adelson or Ted Cruz.
Like, doesn't sound fun.
And we have some footage
of the shenanigans that took place.
Let's take a look.
I know people are going
to get mad at me for saying this.
I like the dance move, I do.
It's fun. It's fun.
He likes it, I like it.
It shows that he's got
like a little bit of fun in him.
The rare bit of humanity
we get from Trump in public.
Like famously, people say he doesn't laugh
or smile in public, but he will dance.
He's he's a music lover.
- Yes, he is.
- One of the only human things about him.
But yeah, the dance is kind of hilarious.
There was like a couple of sports figures
who got in hot water
because they did, like Trump dances,
celebrations, like football players.
And one of our actually our best living
American soccer player, Christian Pulisic,
he did the Trump dance after a goal.
And I think he was in Italy.
It wasn't even he might have
been playing for team USA.
I don't remember.
But people were like,
oh, he's endorsing Donald Trump.
And it's like, guys, the dance is funny.
Like at a certain point you if you can't
get past your partizan impulses to just
acknowledge that his goofy dance is funny.
Like, you need to, like,
take a step back and chill, y'all.
And like, he does show that side of him
when he's doing his rallies
or when he's at these events.
And it could be something
that Democrats learn from, right?
Because they're still kind of stuck
in that suited up,
hoity toity era of politics.
And things have changed.
And I think it's good
that things have changed.
Like show your human side.
Have a little fun.
In fact, I remember there was a video
of Kamala Harris from years ago
that, like, went viral once she
was anointed the Democratic nominee.
And I love the video because she was like
at some pool party or something,
and she was just dancing
and I was just like, okay.
Like I saw the human side of her
because you don't get
to see that a lot with Kamala.
And I was like,
I hope we see more of this, right?
The side of her
that's having a good time letting loose.
You know, someone you can relate to
as a human being.
So you don't always have
to be so buttoned up.
You don't have to hide
who you really are from the well.
You don't have to hide
the fun parts from the public.
You know, just have a good time.
It's okay.
So. But Don Jr not into the party,
so just don't go.
But apparently,
apparently his dad was hitting him up
and asking him where he's at.
Where are you?
When are you coming
to the center of the universe?
Bill gates asked me to come tonight.
We miss you.
And X new year's Eve
is going to be amazing.
Donald J. Trump.
And that was, Yeah. Was that to Elon Musk?
All he cared about was whether or not
Elon and his son were there.
So that was a message to Elon.
And Elon did show up.
There's like video of him
showing up with Trump to the event.
I'm really wondering how the now anti Elon
faction of MAGA is going to react
to Donald Trump's embrace of Ellen.
And that's and that's the thing we
didn't talk about on the main show
is like these Laura Loomer's
and Steve Bannon has been he's been
getting in Ellen and Vivek's ass.
He compared them
to recent converts to the church.
And he was like,
if you're a recent convert,
you need to sit in the back of the church.
You don't just get up on the pulpit
and start preaching.
That's not how conversion works.
My brother.
But yeah,
they're going after Vivek and Ellen,
but they haven't said a word about Trump.
So no, they haven't.
That's where I'm just like, all right.
You guys are still like, oh, daddy's good.
It's just his friends are crappy.
It's his friends making them drink
and cheat on mommy.
It's not daddy. It's it's his friends.
It's like, nah, at a certain point,
you gotta hold your dad accountable
for his horrific actions.
Or as you see it, to be horrific.
So, you know, we'll see.
So far, so far, it really does
seem like any influence that Steve Bannon
might have had on Donald Trump
has basically been demolished.
- He didn't have 250 mil.
- Money talks.
Or as Papa Kasparian likes to say,
the cash is talking.
So I'm not.
Really talking, I think I think
I'm wondering at what point does
Trump feel like, especially
if he's taking these political L's.
And he, like this stuff,
is turning his own base against him
in a really major way.
I wonder, at what point does he say,
all right, bro, enough.
You got now back up.
You know what I mean? Like, relax.
We gave you. We gave you some goodies.
Now move on.
Like, I wonder at what point that'll be
or if or if his infatuation
and love of Elon.
He just loves this dude. Continues.
We'll see, we'll see.
- And I'm kind of I mean, somebody.
- Gave me 250.
I probably love him too,
even if they were as disgusting as Elon,
I gotta say, I might be inclined to want
to hang out with and just just.
Hey, man, keep coming to my parties.
Please, brother.
You gave me $250 million.
I have a really hard time taking orders,
like, you know, so, like, for me.
And I've always been that way.
Like growing up, like I was a good kid,
don't get me wrong.
But when there were, like, hard and fast
rules, like from my parents, I immediately
wanted to, like, rebel against them.
And I did, you know, like the first
rule was, you know, you're Armenian.
Armenians went through the genocide.
You have to marry an Armenian man.
I was like,
I'm going to marry a Latino for sure.
I guess that's what's going to happen.
And that's exactly what I did.
You know, the ancestors down and.
No. And by the way, to my parents credit,
they conceded right away.
They're like, they.
Yeah. Immediately.
- Yeah.
- That's nice, that's nice.
Yeah. Not everybody does.
I know a lot of look in my generation
because things are a little different now.
But like in my when I was growing up,
Armenian girls, a lot of them had
secret boyfriends who were not Armenian.
And when push came to shove,
they just couldn't do it.
Like, they just they ended up breaking
up with their, you know, significant other
before their parents found out.
I just feel like if you're coming to
America and there's all these beautiful,
diverse people, are you really going
to expect your children to deny themselves
the temptations of the flesh?
It's unacceptable. Unacceptable.
Believe it or not,
some people some people actually do.
And yeah, you know, I do wonder I do
wonder how long Trump will be willing to
because like this has been a tough week
for the, you know,
the tech bros and the right wing tech guys
who Trump has brought on and like this is
and because this immigration stuff
was such a core issue.
It's what every freaking right winger
kept telling me.
Well, the reason why we won
is because of immigration.
You know, the public agrees
with us on immigration,
and immigration was a wedge issue.
And we won.
We won the election on immigration.
Okay, Ellen is telling you
to take your immigration stance
and ideology and shove it.
He's completely just said, screw you guys.
On immigration.
So I just really do wonder how many times
they could do this because, you know, the
dude that set this off, that was in charge
of I, the Indian guy, I forget his name.
His name escapes me.
But his whole thing was the H1 thing.
The H1 visas have 85, a cap of 85,000.
He's like, we gotta remove the cap.
Yeah, we gotta get even more
of these folks in here.
Then it needs to be limitless.
Let's bring millions of them in. Right.
And that's not what Donald Trump ran on.
I mean, that's not what.
That's not what he ran on.
But all of a sudden he's like,
we need more of them.
- We need more.
- We need.
- I love the immigrants.
- We need more.
- No. Dude is.
- Like.
It's the coolest thing
about Trump, though, is of of following
what's happening with him politically
is how transparent it is.
It's not a mystery why Trump
has changed his mind on this.
Elon gave him 250 mil.
That's what he's rolling with.
It's it's there's no mystery.
There's no like what the like,
you know, with Biden and Gaza
where we're like, what in the Sam Hill
is going on in this man's mind?
Is it working at all?
It's kind of a black box mystery.
We don't know why he's carried
the Gaza policy in the way that he did.
It just seems so reckless and foolhardy.
Whereas with Trump, like,
everything he does, is so obvious.
- He's transactional.
- It's right there on the surface.
There's nothing to dig for.
We know why he changed his stance.
It's incredible.
To. To be fair to his most avid
supporters, That's what turned
them on to Trump in the very beginning,
since the beginning.
It's the fact
that he's honest and authentic.
And so if you're going to run
an inauthentic Democrat against him,
that Democrats are going to struggle
and ultimately lose.
And I think that's part of what happened
in this last presidential election.
I just couldn't imagine a Democrat doing
this that wasn't something like, you know,
Barry with Wall Street and stuff
that wasn't just this direct where Barry,
like Barry could never come out and say,
yeah, I threw everybody under the bus.
I'm now pro Wall Street.
I love Wall Street.
Now he like he would never come
out and say that even though these people
funded him from the very beginning,
and he used his campaign to pretend
to rail against these guys
and pretend that he was going to have
an administration that would keep
these guys in check and punish him.
He couldn't come out like
literally a week before he's inaugurated
and be like, what?
Wall Street's great.
I love Wall Street. It's great.
I think we need more corruption. Yeah.
But like, it's. Yeah.
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