Jan 3, 2025
State Official Says Classrooms Are “Terrorist Training Camps”
Oklahoma state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters says teachers have turned classrooms into “terrorist training camps.”
- 12 minutes
What a terrible day when we see
terrorist attacks on American soil.
It's absolutely tragic.
And we've got to look as a country
on how these things happen.
We absolutely have to shut down the border
to not allow terrorists
to come across the border.
We also have to take a look
at how are these terrorists
coming from people that live in America.
And, you know, you have schools that are
teaching kids to hate their country,
that this country is evil.
You have the teachers unions
pushing this on our kids.
All right.
Well, that was Ryan Walters,
the Oklahoma State superintendent
of Public Instruction.
Walters, who is literally the person
tasked with overseeing
all of the public schools in Oklahoma,
apparently has such a low opinion
of teachers
that he thinks that they are responsible
for inspiring domestic terrorism.
His car rant comes after the devastating
terrorist attack in New Orleans,
where a radicalized U.S.
Citizen named Shamshuddin Jabbar killed 14
people with his truck on New Year's Eve.
Ryan Walters take away from that tragedy
is that schools are not only failing
to make kids sufficiently patriotic,
but they are actually becoming
terrorist training camps.
Let's watch.
The radical left wants people
to hate this country.
They've completely destroyed the integrity
of the FBI by making them more concerned
about Dei than about protecting Americans.
It's a major part of this.
And look,
this is a real uncomfortable truth.
And I know the left
is going to lose their mind.
But listen, we cannot allow our schools
to become terrorist training camps.
We cannot allow our schools
to teach our kids to hate this country.
We cannot allow our kids to teach
that this is an evil country.
That's why we are getting back
to the basics here in Oklahoma,
to make sure that our kids love
this country, understand American values,
understand the role that the Constitution,
the Bible, the Declaration of Independence
played in American history
because we want patriots.
And that's going
to be the focus of our schools.
So he also wrote this on X.
He said Biden-Harris Harris embraced
an ideology of hatred for our country,
Constitution and our creator.
No one should be surprised that terrorists
are active in our country today.
And he has labeled
the State Teachers Association
a terrorist organization in the past.
Just a fun fact.
Sharon comments like this one.
Walters tweeted, they're
so interesting to me because it's like,
what world does he live in?
How does he perceive the world around him,
and how did he come to view the world
and the people in it
with such terrifying absolutes, especially
for a man who works in education?
I don't trust this guy.
He feels very opportunistic to me.
I don't want to get into like a discussion
about nature versus nurture
or anything like that,
but it's more than a little concerning
that someone holding such dogmatic views,
someone with such a loose grasp
of reality, at least in my opinion, is
in such a position of power and influence.
What do you think about that?
I think the way he got this way
was through indoctrination and talking
to other people who actually believe
this nonsense and white privilege, too.
Because when you don't
teach things like slavery.
I mean, he mentioned a lot, but he didn't
mention a deep rooted history this country
has in systemic racism and slavery.
He failed to mention that.
And I think that all Americans,
not black history, it's just history,
need to learn things like that.
He's been radicalized.
And this is exactly
what I'm talking about.
I don't I know you said you don't
trust him, and perhaps I don't either,
but I think he actually believes
the things that he's saying.
He believes it, which makes it far more
dangerous to me than just an opportunist
who is saying, you know what,
I check morality or integrity at the door,
and I just want to make some content
and make some noise.
I think he actually believes it.
And that's the real fear.
- Yeah, and he's.
- In control of a lot.
I mean, it's so I 100% sign on
to what Sharon said.
And I also think that this guy is making
an effort to dry, clean history with, you
know, the history of America is troubled.
One, the history of most nations
is a troubled one.
There's good and there's righteousness
and there's bad and awfulness.
And you have to.
If really pursuing any kind of lesson
plan through the years,
have to educate citizenry and educate kids
who are going through
any sort of educational program in both,
you know, in the in the fact
that the evolution of the nation
is a complicated one.
But I really see projection here.
I mean, you know, this is a it
and you'll pardon me, but it feels
very Christo fascist in what he's saying.
There's just a he mentions the creator.
He mentions the Bible.
I have no problem with the Bible being
taught as a as a the way it was integrated
into this country's history
and how it has been reintegrated
in a, in a really big footed way.
But I don't think that sort of spoon
feeding kids your version
of what America's values are as defined
by the Bible, which again, I think is
super implied through his comments,
that just seems like just the
wrong direction, the opposite direction
of what you really want
in any kind of Well-rounded school system.
And, well, there is more to this story.
And we're going to touch on a lot
of what you were talking about, Mark.
So for our viewers, in case you guys
haven't made the connection yet, this is
the same guy who is ordering public
schools in Oklahoma to teach the Bible,
specifically the Trump Bible,
along with those Judeo-Christian values.
And as Mark put it, it does feel a lot
more Christofascists and Judeo-Christian,
but he constantly attacks
the left wing parents and teachers,
who he says are plagued by the woke mind
virus, and he readily admits that he plans
to indoctrinate public school kids
with Trump propaganda.
Pro-trump propaganda. Take a look.
Look, we're going to study
every president, regardless of party, and
we're going to take a look at everything
that they've done in their past.
And look, we're going all the way up
to President Trump.
They're going to understand the impact
President Trump had on this country.
They're going to understand how much he
meant for the economy, for our foreign
policy, and really strengthen America.
So we're going to make sure
that our kids know that.
So he has been so disastrous
in his position that even other Oklahoma
Republicans have called him out.
The state's Republican attorney general
twice accused
Superintendent Ryan Walters of ignoring
laws on spending and transparency,
actions he called deeply troubling,
and members of Walters own party said he
had fallen down on his responsibility
to get funds to school districts on time,
and a series of media reports
pointed to his role in a botched release
of state test data, while it appeared
student performance had skyrocketed.
In reality, the state had dramatically
lowered the bar for success.
So, as if that weren't bad enough, he also
allegedly spent $60,000 in state funds to
hire a publicist responsible for elevating
his profile in conservative media.
And I guess it was 60,000
taxpayer dollars very well spent.
Because, you know, Mark,
here we are talking about him.
- What do you think about that?
- Yeah.
And this is precisely what you can get
from just watching the video.
You know, if he were someone
who were a was a public servant committed
to what he's supposed to be doing.
He wouldn't be doing those videos
from his car, where he's opining on things
that just are designed to go viral.
And congratulations, it went viral.
But it's not helping the kids of Oklahoma.
I mean, check out the Oklahoma school
system, check out where your kids rate,
check out your track record.
I know you're busy going through well,
we're going to look at all the presidents,
Republican and Democrats,
and we're going to tell them everything
that Donald Trump is doing.
Well. Oh, great start.
Just as long as you're looking through
history with the history of Oklahoma
public school education
and look at what you're doing there now.
I mean, this guy is falling
down on the job, and he's more concerned
with burnishing his brand and brand,
building a personal brand
I'm talking about than anything else.
I mean,
this is a guy who is really angling to run
the Department of Education by showing his
loyalty to Donald Trump and by building
these viral videos on a regular basis
that give him a high profile.
Yeah, I think can I change my
my initial answer?
I now don't believe he believes all this.
It's contrived and he is just trying
to boost his profile,
get a serious show or something,
and I think it's just god awful.
He is just disgusting.
And I think it would behoove others,
his critics, to point out what Mark said.
You want to go to school?
You want to go
to public school in Oklahoma.
Good luck with that. Okay.
And people like this are responsible for
it, in part, even if it's just by turning
the attention away from the serious,
the seriousness of the lack
of educational grounding in Oklahoma.
This guy is just.
And you're right about the car thing.
Look at him. It's pathetic.
You know.
Education is also concerned
with what you don't teach.
So just by leaving stuff out of
a curriculum, you can completely reshape
someone's view of the world.
And so in telling the story of America,
if you want to tell a really glossed over
whitewashed version, you leave out all the
slavery, you leave out the trail of tears.
You leave out the the false flags
that got us into any number of,
major conflicts worldwide.
You leave out the imperialism.
This isn't only American, these things.
And it's not the only thing
that defines America,
but these things have to be included.
But clearly, again, these things are going
to be shaken out of any curriculum
that this guy has anything to do with.
Well, I was going to say, Sharon, to your
point, I do think he believes that.
I agree with your first point,
but I think both things can be true.
Either way, he shouldn't be
in the position that he's in.
And I think it is very sad.
Anytime, you know, especially in lower
levels of education, K through 12 are
being impacted by these people, these
very, rigorous, dogmatic people, you know,
who claim that they want to educate
the youth and shape the youth, you know,
education, as you said, Mark can shape and
reshape someone's entire worldview, right?
When it first came out that he wanted
to start teaching the Bible in schools in
Oklahoma, that was a very slippery slope.
And I knew what he was doing.
And he's done it, I think,
very successfully, where, you know,
there is an argument that, yeah, the
Bible should be taught in schools, right?
I also have an English degree. Right.
And throughout that degree,
almost everything we read
had some kind of ties to the Bible.
The more you knew the Bible,
the better you did in the classes, right?
I probably have a better understanding
of the Bible than a lot of Christians do.
Don't don't quote me on that.
But I do, you know, and it's troubling
because there is a historical aspect
and a social societal aspect
to studying things like world religion,
specifically the Bible in this country.
But that's not what he's going to do.
That's not what he's trying to do.
He's trying to make the children of this
country more indoctrinated in that Bible,
in that religion.
And he's not teaching
the presidents of this country in such a
way that they should be taught in schools.
They should be taught in schools in a way
that is like, this is what they did.
This is how people felt about it.
That's not what he's doing.
He's saying, you know, we need to teach
the kids how great Trump was and what he
meant for the economy and what he did for
people and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So it's very distressing.
I don't know why this guy
still has a position he has, especially
with all of the, you know, the, the,
the funny business he's doing
with fudging the numbers
to making it look like his schools
are performing a lot better than they are.
It seems like he already has
a lot of opposition
within the Republican Party in Oklahoma.
Hopefully that's enough to just like,
kind of get rid of him.
But yeah, I think he just he's
I don't trust him.
I don't like normally I would say he's
bad for the brand, whatever the brand is.
I mean the Republican Party even.
But the Republican Party has got a pretty
there's a lot of wiggle room there before.
You're really bad for the brand.
So who knows.
You mentioned God and Trump
and they'll pretty much let you do
whatever you want for it.
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The Young Turks: January 3, 2025
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