Jan 3, 2025
Republicans SLAMMED For Playing 'Political Games' With Terror Attacks
Rep. Troy Carter called out Republicans for playing "political games" after the New Year's Day terror attack in New Orleans.
- 11 minutes
You have president elect Trump
and Speaker Johnson talking about
open borders in some sort of proximity
to what happened in New Orleans.
And we should not play games
with the American people to try and imply
that it was something that it wasn't.
No time for political games or or trickery
to suggest somehow that one party
or the other may be responsible.
The families of the loved ones who have
died, and those who are in the hospital
fighting for their lives,
and our law enforcement agents from the
federal, local and state deserve better.
That is Congressman Troy Carter, who
represents New Orleans, which, of course,
was the site of one of the two terror
attacks over the New Year's Eve holiday.
14 people died
in that particular instance.
It's about as serious as a bit of news
an event in the United States can be.
And so I and I think most of you
probably can totally understand
why he would be horrified by the fact
that in the immediate aftermath
of the attack, politicians,
including Donald Trump,
decided the important thing in that moment
was to score as many points
as possible politically, and let's not
wait to find out what actually happened.
Let's just take what we would like
to have happened, what we imagine would
be awesome to have happened,
and then just state it as a blanket fact.
And when it turns out we're wrong,
we're not going to take it back,
we're not going to correct it or anything.
And that's what's happened.
And so there were claims that both of
these attacks were committed by migrants.
Not true at all.
The assailant, in the case of New Orleans,
Shamsuddin Jabbar,
reportedly became radicalized and did
support ISIS, but was not an immigrant.
He was from Texas.
But regardless,
there was a ton of fear mongering.
Take a look at a sampling.
But we all.
Know that for the last four years,
the Biden administration has been
completely derelict in its duty.
The congressional Republicans,
we here in the House and the Senate have
repeatedly asked the DHS under the Biden
administration about the correlation,
the obvious concern about terrorism
and the wide open border.
And yet they're coming
into this country free.
They've handled at the border.
Now, Cheryl, if only 10% got through
that we didn't know about. 55,000.
That's 5500 special terrorists,
potential terrorists that are
in this country in Mayorkas and company.
As you know, they said we've got
operational control of the border.
He's been saying that forever.
They're not doing their job, and Americans
are paying the price for that.
The first day
of President Trump's administration,
he's going to secure the southern border.
And part of the issues that we have,
even though this may not have
come from the southern border,
is that we've got 2 million people
that we don't know who they are,
where they are, or why they're here.
We got over two men gotaways
known Gotaways on our southern border.
Border patrol has arrested people
from 180 countries.
Many of these countries sponsored terror.
They've arrested over 300 people
on the terrorist watch list.
Under Trump, we had 14.
So I won't hang his hat on.
You know, these tasks being done
by US citizens.
It's coming.
Okay, so again, they all just rush
out and look, if I often get cynical
and say that in politics, nothing changes.
But what you saw in this event
shows that some things do change.
You know, if this was ten, 12 years ago,
the Republicans would have been
perfectly happy to just focus on the fact
that the guy was affiliated with ISIS
and he was a muslim.
That would have been more
than enough for them to fear monger.
But now that's old fashioned.
It has to be a migrant.
They have to have just crossed the border.
And so they leap immediately to that.
And by the way, they talk about
how it's all Biden's fault
because people came across the border.
We desperately need Donald Trump
to secure the border.
Of course, we can relitigate the fact
that they blocked the border bill
earlier this year, including Mike Johnson,
who was in that video.
But also, I don't know if anybody's,
like, checked border crossings
in the last few months.
It's just about exactly at the level
that it was
prior to the pandemic under Donald Trump.
So was he responsible for all the crime
of the people that still got through
back when he was in charge,
following four years of his leadership?
This is a ridiculous game,
and a game is all that.
It is the actual people who died,
the event that actually happened
that is way in the rear view mirrors
of these guys they've got points to earn,
was, what do you make of this?
It feels like they're just stuck
in between, you know, wedge issues, right?
Like they know that immigration was a big
or is a big issue in the minds of many of
our fellow citizens here in America.
And they know that terrorism
used to move the needle
like people used to think that, you know,
the Muslims were crossing
the southern border and we're going
to strangle our babies in their, you know,
in their cribs while we sleep.
And it was so scary.
And but it doesn't
that doesn't compute anymore.
People just don't care about terrorism
as an everyday American citizen concern.
And obviously nobody is stupid.
They can put this guy's picture up.
It's just a black dude from Texas,
born and raised.
Like there's videos of this guy
all over the internet doing TikToks
about his real estate business.
What's more American than that?
He's like, he's clearly
an American homegrown guy.
So this idea that he snuck across
the border with his, you know, his icky
Muslim cooties is just ridiculous.
And it's just obvious that
they're grasping at straws
and don't have anything.
And instead of, you know,
just talking about
how we could better secure, you know,
crowds at large events
like the college football playoffs
and in places like Bourbon Street
and the French Quarter in New Orleans,
instead of talking about how we
can do those things to be better,
it's just, you know, playing politics
with like an obvious tragedy.
And the sad thing is, like, their rhetoric
is not going to, you know, make the
families of these victims warmer at night.
Man, these people are grieving.
And, you know, I hope
that they're able to find
some measure of peace in all of this.
I would say that it's, it's not just that
people don't care anymore about politics.
I think people don't care about
exploitation because the exploitation,
it used to be that, oh,
if Democrats said anything about gun
control in the wake of a mass shooting,
oh, you're exploiting the tragedy.
And yet, literally hours after this,
there's Donald Trump
and other Republicans not only exploiting
this for their game about migrants,
but also lying about it and showing that,
in my view, the Republican Party is all
about racism and bigotry and xenophobia.
Because Tawas point, I mean, migrants
and all the data shows this.
Even if you want to talk about migrants
crossing the border, all the data shows
that migrant communities commit fewer
violent crimes per capita than people
who are born in the United States.
And oh, by the way, Donald Trump says,
well, you know, crime is the worst
that we've ever.
No. Violent crime is down
to its lowest levels in 50 years.
So crime is down.
Migrant communities
are safer than actually communities
here in the United States.
So to me, this is purely about
because this guy is a black guy
with a muslim name or Muslim religion.
They're going to target him
or they're going to make this association
that he must have been a subversive threat
just because he was a muslim.
And we should have never let Muslims
into this country to begin with.
So we have to somehow shut off
the southern border.
It doesn't make any sense
except in the context of absolute hatred,
which is what is on display.
And meanwhile we had the other attack,
which thankfully didn't claim lives
other than the attacker,
although it did injure people.
And to the extent that they said anything
about it and most of them didn't,
it was thank God it was a Cybertruck
that channeled the explosion or whatever.
They don't.
You're not you're not
interested in that guy.
I mean, he was in the military, too.
You seem interested in this case,
but that was a white guy.
That was a Maga guy.
You don't you don't care about that now?
Of course you don't.
Not interested whatsoever.
And again, I just I love the,
the need to get something out of this.
So Lindsey Graham,
he's been around for a long time.
So coming out of this,
he's like, well, why are people saying
this is just a crime?
This is an international war on Islam
because he wants
to invade Iran after this.
Like he's like, hey, what are we doing?
The Muslim just killed people.
We get to invade a country now.
And all the other Republicans,
the new MAGA are like,
well, no, we don't want to do that.
Because like, you know, we pretend
to be anti-war, even though we did way
more bombing on Syria and we're definitely
gonna invade Mexico and all that.
But we got to get something.
Maybe we can persecute them here, though.
That'll be fun because the future is in
private prisons and concentration camps, I
guess more so than in defense contractors.
The entire thing
is just utterly ridiculous.
But I will say, I do think
that we need to learn lessons.
I've been very resistant to that.
And so I, for a very long time, have had
a policy of only blaming politicians for
things where it rationally makes sense.
But but they're teaching me
that you don't have to do that.
So the first terror attack
that happens after January 20th,
we're just doing a full show.
I think about how Donald Trump
is responsible for this,
because we've been taught now.
And by the way, I don't even have to say
for the reason that makes sense.
They're saying it's about migrants,
even though it's not.
So I'm going to say the first terror
attack that happens that Donald Trump's
tariffs blew up Boston or whatever it is
that's going to happen because you could
just make it about whatever you want.
That's how American politics works.
And if it turns out I'm wrong,
I'm just going to tweet.
John was right about everything
and I'll probably become president
because that's how America works.
Well, in America works now
in a post-factual world
where there's no arbiter,
there's no agreement on what the truth is.
And what's so scary to me about all
of this, and I sang this a minute ago,
is that there will be a sizable portion of
Donald Trump's followers who will believe
that this guy was maybe not from Texas.
That's just the media claiming the fake
news media that this really was a migrant,
that he really did cross the border.
There will be people who believe that
just because Donald Trump says so.
And we're in this such perverse world now
where you can find whatever you want
to support your point of view.
And I think Donald Trump knows that.
He knows there is no consequence
right now for lying, because there'll be
a sizable number of people who will agree
with him no matter what the media says.
So, you know, there's been a lot
of chatter out there, John,
about turns to the right rightward turns.
I'm gonna make my own rightward
turns here, right here on the power panel,
and I'm going
to go full Vivek Ramaswamy on these folks.
He wants to change the American culture
by switching it out
for East Asian and Indian sort of tiger
mummification of the culture.
That's what he would like.
Hey man, I've been
to South America, y'all.
I've been to Colombia.
The food, the people, the community,
the dancing, the singing.
We need more of that in America.
Let those borders wide open.
Change the entire culture of the country.
John, I want to change American culture
for migrant culture.
How about that?
I'm with you.
It'll make America safer, too.
Evidently it would.
By the way, I love that they're doing
a version of Great Replacement,
which is we have an American terrorist,
and they're replacing it
with a fictional migrant terrorist.
No, no, no.
That's us. We get credit for that.
How dare you give that to someone
from outside the US to make.
America great again? Come on, John, maybe.
It's time to have an honest discussion,
though, about open borders
between Texas and Louisiana.
Build the wall. Build the wall.
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