Oct 9, 2024
Netanyahu THREATENS Lebanon With "Suffering Like We See In Gaza"
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Lebanon will face destruction like the Gaza Strip if its people don't overthrow Hezbollah.
- 15 minutes
I say to you, the people of Lebanon
free your country from Hezbollah
so that this war can end.
Free your country from Hezbollah
so that your country can prosper again.
You have an opportunity to save Lebanon
before it falls into the abyss of
a long war that will lead to destruction
and suffering like we see in Gaza.
You deserve to restore Lebanon
to its days of tranquility.
You deserve a Lebanon that is different.
One country, one flag, one people.
Now, I would argue that Lebanon deserves
to make decisions about its own sovereign
country without a hostile prime minister
of a neighboring country weighing in.
But nonetheless, Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu sent a chilling
warning to Lebanon and threatened
that if Hezbollah isn't overthrown,
the country could soon look like Gaza.
And of course, just as a reminder,
we're talking about a country that the
United States not only considers an ally,
but an ally that the United States heavily
armed so they can carry out these threats
and make good on those threats.
And by the way, it's fascinating that
in his message, he also mentioned Lebanon
being united under one flag,
because it seems at least some
in Israel have different intentions.
An Israeli flag hoisted above
a rubble strewn Lebanese village.
Parts of southern Lebanon
now resemble the apocalyptic landscape
of Gaza, and Israel's war with Hezbollah
is intensifying.
This apparently all that's left
of the border town of Yaroun.
The Israeli army announced today
another military division
has now been deployed into Lebanon.
Around 15,000 soldiers are said
to be taking part in the invasion.
So as the IDF's military assault in
Lebanon continues to escalate, Hezbollah's
deputy leader has indicated that they
would like to negotiate a cease fire,
a temporary cease fire deal, which,
by the way, let's just take a step back
and acknowledge the fact that cease fires
don't even mean cease fires anymore.
Cease fire means you stop the war.
You stop the fighting.
Now there's this new era
of temporary cease fires
where the idea is, okay, maybe we give it,
like, like three weeks or something,
and then the fighting can start again.
The warring can start again.
But in this case, Hezbollah realized,
okay, it's unlikely that Israel is going
to agree to a permanent ceasefire.
So they decided to offer negotiations
for a temporary ceasefire
without conditions related to Gaza.
Remember, the reason why Hezbollah
started attacking Israel
is because Israel started doing
aerial bombardments of Gaza effectively.
You know, flattening it and killing
tens of thousands of civilians.
But for now, since Israel is unwilling
to engage in those negotiations,
Hezbollah has continued
launching rockets into Israel.
Now, luckily,
most of them were intercepted.
No one wants civilians dead.
That would be absolutely tragic.
But sadly, today, a man and a woman
were reportedly killed
from fatal shrapnel wounds after rockets
struck a town in northern Israel.
And this is what Benjamin Netanyahu
is willing to risk.
You know, he's willing to risk the lives
of, of course, countless Arabs and Muslims
and even Christians
and countries like Lebanon.
He's bombing Syria to all of that,
but he's willing to literally risk
the lives of Israelis as well.
I mean, if if this war, this broadening
war shows us anything at all to me,
it shows you how little Benjamin Netanyahu
cares about human lives, regardless of
the identity of the human lives involved.
Now, six people were also injured
in a rocket attack near Haifa.
But as usual, Israel's assault has
done much more damage to Lebanon.
And how could it not?
I mean, when you consider the fact
that we're heavily arming them,
giving them the types of bombs that are
referred to as bunker buster bombs.
Lebanon's Crisis Response unit announced
on Wednesday that 22 people were killed
and 80 wounded in the past 24 hours,
raising the total toll over the past year
of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah
to 2141 killed and 10,099 wounded,
according to the Lebanese Health Ministry.
Now, that report also recorded
70 airstrikes and incidents of shelling
in the past day alone.
Some 1000 centers, including educational
complexes, vocational institutes,
universities and other institutions
are sheltering 185,400 people displaced
by the Israeli offensive in Lebanon.
Among these shelters,
807 have reached full capacity.
I mean, we're talking about
millions of displaced people.
Overall, the total number
of displaced individuals in Lebanon
stands at 1.2 million.
And Israel is also bombing
other countries in addition to Gaza.
The bombings in Gaza,
the military operations in Gaza continue
because Netanyahu has said,
well, you know, it appears
that you still have Hamas strategizing
and we haven't gotten them yet.
You're not going to get them.
You're killing all sorts of innocent
civilians, and those left behind are going
to want revenge against Israel
over the fact that they slaughtered
their innocent family members.
The way that this war is being prosecuted
is not going to lead to some
long term peace in the Middle East.
And I don't think Netanyahu
is interested in that.
To begin with, Honestly now.
An Israeli airstrike was done on
a residential building in Damascus, Syria.
Also, that airstrike reportedly killed
seven people and injured at least 11.
So let's talk
a little bit about US involvement here
because there was some big news.
You know, our president, Joe Biden,
the man who, according
to Bob Woodward's latest book War,
absolutely despises Netanyahu and calls
him a bad guy, met with Netanyahu.
They actually held their first call
in seven weeks.
And yesterday, his administration
made clear that it has dropped its support
for a cease fire in Lebanon.
Here's State Department spokesman
Matthew Miller giving us some more.
Let's watch.
Yes, we do support Israel launching these,
incursions to degrade
Hezbollah's infrastructure.
So ultimately, we can get
a diplomatic resolution, given that.
Hezbollah or someone in Hezbollah
is now saying they, you know,
they're open to a ceasefire.
Are the Israelis calling for a ceasefire?
No, they are not.
And so we know that you've said repeatedly
it takes two to tango
when it comes to ceasefire.
Is this not a good starting point
that, as you say,
Hezbollah is being degraded at one point?
At what point is it significantly
degraded enough for for the US to say,
okay, enough is enough?
And I think.
The the fact that they came out and called
for a cease fire today shows that
Hezbollah knows it's on the back foot,
knows its capabilities are being degraded.
And so the reason it's hard
to answer the question is,
is Hezbollah calling for a ceasefire,
or is Hezbollah calling for a ceasefire
and agreeing to pull back beyond
the Litani River, which is something
that they haven't said that they would do?
I. Just want to note that that press
conference was held before Hezbollah
succeeded in a rocket strike that ended
up killing two people in Israel.
So, I don't know,
maybe negotiations on a cease fire is in
the best interests of everyone involved,
including Israeli civilians.
Now, Senators Richard Blumenthal
and renowned war hawk Lindsey Graham
are currently in the Middle East.
I mean, please tell me that there's
any other place in the world that U.S.
Politicians visit more than Israel.
But they were in Israel,
and they met with Netanyahu yesterday,
you know, their true leader.
And they say that they're there
to help normalize relations in the region.
Normalizing relations would probably start
with the war ending, but that's not really
what they're interested in.
They basically confirmed what we've been
hearing from the Biden administration.
If Israel goes to war with Iran,
we're going to be involved.
We're going to get dragged into it.
Let's take a look.
If Israel takes on Iran in such a way
that this escalates
and becomes a war between Israel and Iran,
the United States would be obliged
to enter on Israel's side, wouldn't it?
Iran has declared that it wants
to destroy the United States
as well as annihilate Israel.
So Israel's war is not only
against the Houthis,
Hamas and Hezbollah, but against Iran.
And so that's a yes.
- You would enter on the side of Israel.
- I'm not predicting what will happen.
Our effort here is actually
to help reduce or avoid escalation
and the widening of this war.
There needs to be a confrontation of Iran.
We've put it off way too long.
We need to call the question on Iran.
They're the source of most
upheaval in regime change.
I am 1,000% for regime change,
but you don't have to.
How did that work out last time?
America tried it in Iraq?
I think we have nothing to lose.
How did it work out
when we got rid of Hitler?
- Better.
- I think we have nothing to lose.
The United States
orchestrated a coup in Iran,
which is why we have what we have now.
There are never any lessons learned
because our politicians are literally paid
to avoid learning any lessons.
They are literally paid through political
bribes that have been legalized by our
Supreme Court to essentially risk the
lives of innocent human beings in order
to increase the bottom line for defense
contractors and weapons manufacturers.
This isn't a debate or a conversation
about doing what's best
to normalize relations, or doing
what's best to protect human lives.
This is a conversation about more war,
more devastation, empowering a belligerent
government that has no problem
risking the lives of its own citizens.
That's what this is really about.
And has there ever been a war
that Lindsey Graham hasn't salivated over?
Now, why does he salivate over it?
Because he's paid to look
at how much money he rakes in
through defense contractors.
Real curious whether he's
personally invested in individual stocks
belonging to weapons manufacturers,
defense contractors.
You get the picture.
Lindsey Graham is a giant pile of garbage.
And by the way, so is Blumenthal.
You have problems in your own country.
What are you doing in Israel right now?
A united two United States senators
are in a foreign country right now,
more concerned about what's happening
there than what's happening
in our own country as another devastating
hurricane comes barreling toward Florida.
And when Graham was asked
what's next for Gaza, he seemed to suggest
a total takeover of the territory,
which I am not surprised by.
Take a look.
But not holding them back
has meant 40,000 dead Gazans.
- Well, that's.
- Because Hamas wants them that way.
They want it that way. I don't blame them.
Why do them the favor?
Hamas will not be standing.
They will never govern Gaza again.
If you get nothing else
out of this interview.
Hamas will never govern Gaza again.
They may not be Hamas anymore,
but there will be another organization
with similar policies that will be,
you know, called something different.
Agree with you.
More Gazan children
who've seen their parents killed,
seen their neighbors killed.
They will join a cause,
a new cause with a new name.
Unless somebody comes in and takes over
their lives, provides them an education
system and a future that's more hopeful.
But their bitterness is created
by American bombs dropped on them
inside Gaza, in part, isn't it?
Well, I think their bitterness
should be toward Hamas.
They've been radicalized.
They're the most radicalized
population on the planet.
From the time you're born in Gaza
to the time you die,
you're taught to hate the Jews.
The two state solution
as we know it died on October the 7th.
Do you think it's dead?
I think I think as as it's
been envisioned in the past.
It is.
Lindsey Graham is such a bad person.
Lindsey Graham is such a bad person that
he is one of the few people in the world
who makes me want to believe in religion,
because nothing would give me greater
solace than believing that that man
is going to burn in eternal damnation.
But alas, I don't believe in that.
And so I have to cope with the fact
that this guy might not ever have to pay
for the consequences for all the bloodshed
he has encouraged around the world
throughout his political career.
So let's talk a little more about Gaza.
Gaza's health ministry said
it recovered 40 bodies from Jabalia
from Sunday until Tuesday, and another 14
from communities farther north.
The toll is likely higher as there
are bodies buried under the rubble
and in areas that can't be accessed.
It's so incredibly frustrating being
slapped around with the injustice of what
this country is enabling, and not having
the power to do a damn thing about it.
Not having a political party to support
because they are willing to take a stand
against enabling what we're seeing
in the Middle East.
And so when we have conversations about
protecting democracy and Democrats wonder,
well, why isn't our messaging
about protecting democracy working,
maybe they should consider the fact
that a lot of Americans
on certain issues like this don't really
feel like democracy is doing much.
A lot of Americans don't want to be
involved in this, but they don't have a
choice because both political parties are
completely captured by political bribes,
obviously legal, that support Israel
regardless of what Israel does.
And in this case, I think what they're
doing is, of course, devastating for the
sovereign nations surrounding the country.
But it's also going
to be devastating for Israel.
It's already devastating their economy
and Netanyahu sees no end in sight.
Today, three hospitals in northern Gaza
were ordered to evacuate.
UN official described
the situation in the north as hell, with
at least 400,000 people trapped there.
This is what we are enabling here in the
United States, and you really have to ask
yourself, how much more are we willing,
really willing to take?
How much more are we going
to allow this to to go on?
And the only response we've gotten from
the government is, you know, shutdowns of
pro-peace protests and things like that.
So, yeah, democracy is important,
but the American people need to feel
that they're being heard
through their democratic process.
And right now,
I certainly don't feel heard.
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The Young Turks: October 9, 2024
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