Oct 9, 2024
FBI Probe Into Brett Kavanaugh Was An EPIC Sham
The 2018 investigation into the sex misconduct allegations about Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing turned out to be a total sham.
- 11 minutes
The FBI, as you know,
is all over talking to everybody.
And I would expect
this is a very high quality person.
I would expect it's going
to turn out very well for the judge.
Yeah, they have free reign.
They're going to do whatever they have
to do, whatever it is they do.
They'll be doing things
that we never even thought of.
Spoiler alert
they did not have free reign.
Now, of course, what President Donald
Trump is referring to there is
the investigation into his Supreme Court
nominee at the time, Brett Kavanaugh,
who was dealing with some pretty serious
attempted rape allegations
by Doctor Christine Blasey Ford,
a woman that he went to college with.
Now it turns out that,
the FBI's investigation
into the sexual assault allegations
against then Supreme Court nominee Brett
Kavanaugh was anything but independent.
And this is according to a new report that
follows a six year long investigation.
Now, as a reminder,
the inquiry into Kavanaugh came after
testimony by Doctor Christine Blasey Ford
in which she accused the judge
of groping her and trying to take off her
clothes at a party three decades earlier.
There was also another accuser, Deborah
Ramirez, who had come forward saying
that Kavanaugh had, you know, shoved his
genitals into her face at a party
when they were at Yale in the early 1980s.
I apologize, I should have given
you all a trigger warning,
considering the, you know, content here,
but the report is now being released.
It was produced by Democratic Senator
and Judiciary Committee member
Sheldon Whitehouse,
and I do want to commend him
for refusing to let this situation go,
because this was six years ago
and we do have short attention spans.
And what happened with Christine
Blasey Ford and this sham investigation
really bothered me.
And to see that there's someone
actually keeping an eye on it
and following up with it is great.
Now, his findings reveal
that despite publicly declaring
that the FBI was free to investigate
Kavanaugh at their own discretion,
the white House never actually authorized
the agency to independently probe
the sexual misconduct allegations.
In reality, the white House
kept a tight grip on the FBI.
Some of the limits that were placed by the
Trump White House on this inquiry, on this
investigation, were known at the time.
The FBI didn't question Kavanaugh
or Blasey Ford about the allegations.
They also did not interview
the dozens of people who who were provided
by lawyers for Blasey Ford and Ramirez,
who said that they could have
provided corroborating evidence.
That is what investigators are supposed
to be looking for, corroborating evidence.
But the Trump administration
prevented that from happening.
The reality was even more damning,
by the way.
So the report found that messages
to the FBI tip line regarding Kavanaugh
were forwarded directly
to the white House and never probed,
and that the FBI had no written protocols
for the supplemental background
investigation ordered by the white House.
And I remember at the time,
the other thing was they
limited the time frame in which the FBI
can conduct the investigation.
They were given a week,
they were given a week.
And when the FBI announced that they
had concluded their investigation
before the week was even up,
I mean, I knew it was a sham.
And I think most people who have two brain
cells to rub together knew it was a sham.
So the report notes that the FBI
was instructed by the white House
to talk to ten potential witnesses,
and was not given the leeway
to pursue corroborating evidence, the
absence of which was cited by senators as
they narrowly voted to confirm Kavanaugh.
Even when senators, by the way,
contacted the FBI directly
with the names of people who claimed to
have relevant information about Kavanaugh.
The FBI did not contact them.
They didn't reach out.
Then the report described how,
two days before voting on Kavanaugh,
senators were given about an hour
to review more than 1600 pages
of material collected by the FBI,
mostly raw information from the tip line.
Neither the FBI nor the white House
explained whether the tips
had been reviewed, according
to Senator Whitehouse and the FBI.
You know, they say
they were just following protocol.
They were following procedure.
But as white House explains, assurances
that everything was being done by the book
and according to standard FBI procedures,
omitted the fact that for supplement
background investigations, there is
no book and there are no procedures.
You simply do
what the white House tells you.
So John, I would be shocked
if you were shocked by this,
but I am curious what you think.
I'll be serious for a second.
I am a little bit shocked
about how they did nothing.
Literally nothing.
I assumed they did almost nothing.
I and I certainly would not have thought
that they would have just forwarded
all of the evidence
that might sink a Scotus nomination to the
people who want him on the Scotus most.
That seems insane.
And I'll return to that in just a second.
But I know a lot of people may have seen
that video that you showed of Trump
and think that, well,
he looks like a big old liar now.
But he did say he said he thinks it's
going to go really well for Kavanaugh.
And it did.
Since they're not going
to do an investigation.
And he also said that the FBI is going
to do things that we've never seen before,
which sounds like his normal bragging.
But if you think about what we've seen
the FBI do in investigations, this kind
of is like nothing we've ever seen before.
Don't talk to literally
the accused or the accuser.
Don't follow up on any specific leads.
Hand over all the evidence
to the most corrupt party imaginable.
Yeah, I've never seen that before,
so I think that he was actually
pretty honest in that clip.
But I will say, I think if we lived
in a sane world, they should do
the investigation right now and consider
taking Kavanaugh off the court,
because the process that put him there
is obviously fundamentally corrupt.
And like, if you're a conservative
and you're watching this, first of all,
I understand that you think that hypocrisy
is the most awesome thing ever.
So it's not like I'm going
to get you with this.
But if we found out that this happened to
a Democrat nominee to the Supreme Court,
that we found out, like, you know,
Ketanji Brown Jackson was accused of
knifing a guy back in 84. And then we did
an investigation, and then you find out,
no, they didn't do no investigation.
They didn't look at the murder weapon.
They didn't look at the video footage.
They didn't do anything.
Would you just be like,
well, it's too late now?
No, no, I mean, definitely not, right?
I mean, I think I think we've done
a decent job showing that we are willing
to hold our own side accountable.
And for those who are fans of Kavanaugh
who think Kavanaugh
didn't do anything wrong,
there's nothing to be worried about.
Well, the sham investigation
leads to questions in people's minds
because we don't know for sure
there wasn't a real investigation.
Wouldn't you want a real investigation
to be done to clear his good name?
It seems as though
the Trump administration
didn't allow for a real investigation
because they were afraid of what they're
going to find, but we'll never know.
So let's keep going.
There's a few more details here.
Now, white House said that the review
of the FBI probe took six years
because of resistance from both
the Trump and Biden administrations.
Now, I'm going to be uncharacteristically
charitable to Biden and assume
that the reason why he didn't pursue this
is because he didn't want it to appear
political or politically motivated.
I have no idea.
Neither wanted to provide correspondence
with the FBI, access to FBI officials, or
answer questions about the investigation.
Now, until 2021,
the only information Democratic senators
said they were able to obtain
about the procedure for a supplemental
background investigation
was a publicly accessible YouTube video
explaining how the FBI tip line works.
So. And of course,
Republicans are claiming that the report
doesn't actually change anything.
Gilli Maddox, who's a spokesperson
for Senator Chuck Grassley,
a Republican from Iowa who also chaired
the Judiciary Committee
during the Kavanaugh confirmation,
said the report doesn't offer
any legitimate substantive new ground.
She also said it's released
before the November election raises
questions about its validity and motive.
The only thing that this is raising
questions about is the validity and motive
of how the FBI investigation
into Kavanaugh was carried out,
and it leads to like, again,
the sham investigation does the opposite
of clearing Kavanaugh's name.
It makes one think
he definitely did something wrong
and that there's a major cover up
and that doesn't really inspire trust
in our government or our Supreme Court.
That's not great, especially for someone
who serves in the Supreme Court currently.
And we all know the Supreme Court cares
deeply about being viewed as legitimate.
So a good way of being viewed
as legitimate is to allow
for these investigations to happen.
- Final word John.
- Yeah.
By the way, a lot of the reforms,
the Supreme Court that have been
considered one of the reasons it would be
nice to have a Scotus nomination process
that occurs at regular intervals.
Every president gets an expected amount
would mean that every
single time one opens up, it isn't
this end of the world at all costs.
We gotta get this thing
that results in you being like,
I don't care if he raped someone.
We got to get him on there.
It shouldn't work that way.
And, and also in a general sense,
the fact that there's not like a single
maybe like Susan Collins or Lisa murkowski
might have an issue with this.
No one else will is just a reminder
that absent 1 or 2 possible examples.
Right right wingers, just rape is not
a thing that they overly care about.
It's just not a significant thing.
Women talking about being sexually
assaulted or raped is like a it's
more of an inconvenience to have
to hear about it than anything else.
They just don't think it's serious.
Maybe if it's like a migrant,
then maybe it's worth looking into.
Maybe if it's someone that hung out with
Epstein, as long as it's a Democrat,
then maybe it's worth looking into.
Outside of that, just don't waste our time
by bringing up the fact that you
were sexually assaulted, particularly
by somebody powerful, influential, rich.
Just shut up about it.
That is loud and clear
what I'm hearing from them.
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