Dec 30, 2024
Biden STILL Thinks He Could Have Won The 2024 Election
A new report reveals President Joe Biden's delusional regrets about 2024.
- 21 minutes
Incredibly, President Joe Biden still
thinks he would have beaten Donald Trump
had he stayed in the presidential race.
And that's according to new reporting
from The Washington Post,
which spoke to more than two dozen people
who are close to the president.
So here's what they say.
Biden and some of his aides still
believe he should have stayed in the race,
despite the rocky debate performance
and low poll numbers that prompted
Democrats to pressure him to drop out.
Biden and these aides
have told people in recent days that he
could have defeated Trump, according
to people familiar with their comments.
Aides say the president has been careful
not to place blame
on Harris or her campaign.
So let me just be very clear and blunt.
There is absolutely no indication,
no evidence, nothing to indicate that Joe
Biden would have beaten Donald Trump.
On the contrary,
there is a mountain of evidence Indicating
that he would have lost to Trump.
In fact, some of the people close to.
Biden have since come out publicly
to admit that their internal polling
was even worse than the public polling
that we all saw for ourselves.
So how can someone be this delusional?
I don't understand,
and I'm going to show you
some of that evidence in just a moment.
But, Jake, why don't you jump in?
I think there's something in this story
that's even more important
than Joe Biden being delusional.
And it goes towards the state of not just
Democratic Party, but all of Washington.
And so that nugget is buried in here,
and I don't want you to miss it.
We'll get to that in a little bit.
Just real quick on this.
Look, the his own advisers
said he would have lost at least 400
electoral College votes and that he had,
quote, a 0% chance of winning.
So. And that was right before
he dropped out.
So but he still holds on to it.
And I believe
that he actually believes it.
And some of his internal advisers,
closest advisers actually believe it
because the bubbles are so thick,
you can get yourself to believe anything.
And and and Anna, when you were away,
we were talking about wicked.
Adam McKay made some interesting
comments about that movie.
And and apparently a lot of people on
the left think that Wizard of Oz is Donald
Trump because he says he knows everything.
Then you lift the curtains
and it turns out he knows nothing.
And we have more on that later
in this program.
But I, I said I could see how the right
wing would think that Biden is
the Wizard of Oz and oh, I don't worry.
Democratic leadership knows everything.
We are the professionals.
We're the ones who know
what's right and wrong.
And we play four dimensional chess.
You open up the curtain and you've
got a guy in mental decline who's like,
I could have won when literally no one
in the country thinks that.
So yeah, the people in power are all the
Wizard of Oz. They don't know anything.
They live in utter delusion.
And the story is an
excellent example of that.
Well, I think what's also a common issue
that you find with not just leaders in the
United States, but world leaders is once
they surround themselves with yes men.
And in this case, you know,
this this piece is not just
about what Biden believes,
it's what Biden and his aides believe.
I mean, it's hard to imagine
that people who don't have cognitive
decline like Biden would delude themselves
into thinking that he had a shot
in beating Donald Trump in the election,
but his aides allegedly are saying, yeah,
he could have totally beat Trump, like he
shouldn't have dropped out of the race.
That's what that is, the regret.
I mean, imagine at this point in the game,
not confessing,
not taking some ownership of the
terrible decision to run for a second term
or the terrible decision to stay
in the race for as long as Biden did.
No, no, there's no humility here.
There's no self-reflection.
It's just doubling down
on the exact thing that Biden did wrong.
It's amazing.
But I think it's because he has people
surrounding him that were nodding
their heads and saying, yeah, totally.
You're doing great.
You could have beaten Trump.
Super quick on that number one.
Remember, they have a giant incentive
for Biden to stay in office because their
power is attached 100% to Joe Biden.
Even when it's another Democrat running,
they lose all of their power.
But I think that they genuinely do believe
because the bubbles are so thick.
And as Anna tells you the rest of the
story, I'm going to come back and tell you
every charge they made against Trump,
whether that's true or untrue,
and most of them were true,
applies even more so to Joe Biden.
And this story again proves that.
So let's talk a little bit
about the evidence
indicating that Biden really had no shot.
So polls predicted that he was going to
lose and that he was going to lose badly.
And in fact, you're looking
at some evidence of that right now.
So the New York Times poll on the day
he dropped out, had Biden losing by three
points nationally and getting wrecked
in the battleground states as well.
So obviously you need to win
the battleground states.
But more importantly,
if you're a Democrat because of
how the Electoral College is set up,
and this is something Jake has repeated
many, many times, you need
to win on a national level by five points.
So to see Biden losing by three points
nationally not a good sign,
a clear indication he was going to lose.
And real quick. And those polls are off.
Remember they had Kamala Harris winning
and she lost the popular vote.
Exactly. So he wasn't really down three.
He was down more.
Even more than that. Exactly.
These polls tended to overestimate
the performance of the Democrat
and underestimate
the performance of Donald Trump.
So some polls were actually
even worse than that.
So let's take a look at this.
So a New York Times Siena College poll
found Trump was ahead of Biden
by six percentage points
among likely voters and eight points ahead
among registered voters.
So some of Biden's closest allies
acknowledge now that he was not the best
candidate to run against Donald Trump
for the 2024 presidential race.
But that's just because
his style of governing did not always mesh
with today's politics.
Things are a little bit different
like stylistically these days.
Like that's what they're thinking,
and I don't think that's it.
But nonetheless, his national security
adviser, Jake Sullivan, who I can't wait
to never have to hear from again,
says the president, has been operating
on a time horizon measured in decades,
while the political cycle
is measured in four years.
James Clyburn remembered telling Biden
that he had to revitalize his campaign
because he was too focused on substance
and not focused enough on,
like, the politics of winning.
The new environment
that we currently live in, style seems
to carry the day more than substance.
Your style does not lend itself well
to the environment we're currently in.
Or it could be that he was obviously
deteriorating right before our eyes,
and the American people
did not feel comfortable reelecting him
to serve a second term, I think.
I think that was the heart of the matter.
And then you can also get
into the substance of Democrats
promising a whole host of policies
that they never deliver on.
And there's a lot of frustration
and a lot of resentment
toward Democrats because of that.
And in addition to regretting his decision
to drop out of the presidential race.
There was also another move that Joe Biden
wishes that he had not made in private.
Biden has said he should have
picked someone other than Merrick Garland
as attorney general,
complaining about the Justice Department's
slowness under Garland in prosecuting
Trump and its aggressiveness in
prosecuting Biden's son, Hunter, according
to people familiar with his comments.
Look, I agree in regard
to the criticism of Merrick Garland,
the slowness in bringing the charges.
If you're going to charge Trump, then
why are you going to wait until you get
super close to the election and you know,
there's going to be delays in the cases?
And if he wins, well,
those cases go away for the most part.
And that's exactly what happened.
There was also plenty of blame
for Biden to spread around.
He has also mused on changes in the media,
arguing that he did not get
enough credit for his accomplishments,
especially on the economy,
which Inflation was crushing people,
and then later the high interest rates
were crushing people.
It's hard to make a case that Biden
succeeded in bettering the economy
when people were unable
to afford the basics, and he did nothing
about the housing market.
I mean, the housing crisis
is worse than ever before.
And in fact, HUD, which is the, you know,
Department of Housing,
Housing and Urban Development under Biden,
just put out a report showing that between
January of 2023 and January of 2024,
homelessness increased by 18.1%.
That is the highest recorded increase in
homelessness that HUD has ever recorded.
So, I mean, these are things
that Americans are feeling day to day.
So the idea that the media should have
done PR for Biden is laughable to me.
Yeah, to be fair, that's
what he's experienced his whole life.
So he he thought, well,
I don't have to put out my own message.
I'll just get the media
to do propaganda for me,
as they have for the last 50 years.
Call me the boy from Scranton.
Say, I'm such an average Joe. And.
And every time I screw up,
just pretend it was a stutter.
Never investigate me.
And knowing that now we know for sure
that he had mental decline from day one,
according to his own staffers.
We're going to talk about this a little
bit later, but, you know, one of the
reporters said on CBS over the weekend, it
was our biggest failing, that we didn't,
look into Joe Biden's mental status.
Yeah. Yeah.
And that's like, considered
controversial in mainstream media.
No, it was an enormous failure
of the media.
They were actually super kind
and deferential to Joe Biden.
- But Joe Biden thought not enough.
- That's such a good point.
That's such a good point, Jake,
because I remember as early as 2010
when he was running in 2020,
we were getting browbeaten for bringing up
Biden's obvious signs of mental decline.
And we finally just dropped it
because the gaslighting was it was a lot.
And it's like, okay, fine, whatever.
Everyone says that it's inappropriate
to bring this up
even though we see some obvious signs.
And let me just say that's
it's not just Democrats, guys.
It's mainstream media folks who browbeat
people like us who tell the truth.
Like when I go to Washington,
if I say Joe Biden has mental
decline issues up until the debate,
the reaction I would get every single time
from reporters was this they look
at me like you're some sort of radical,
what are you, MAGA?
No, of course Joe Biden is totally fine.
Totally fine.
I can't believe you would say
they found it so outrageous.
It's ageism, ableism, all sorts of,
you know, we're going to call you names so
you can shut up and understand that you're
not supposed to speak out about this.
Yeah, and look, I could prove it.
So, like, we talk about bubbles.
Biden had a bubble.
But how about the mainstream media bubble?
Did a single reporter or on air anchor
or pundit for four straight years
before that debate go on air?
Certainly for the first three years,
as he's shaking hands
with invisible people other than us,
and we weren't allowed on cable news,
so on cable news or mainstream media,
did anyone go on air and go,
this guy is too old and it's obvious.
This guy, hey, we need
to investigate his doctors and look into.
Because when Trump came out
with ridiculous notes from his doctors,
they were like, let's look
into the doctors, let's look into this.
We don't believe him.
When Joe Biden comes out and he says,
oh yeah, my doctor says,
I'm in great mental health.
Every reporter is like,
he's in great mental health.
Run the propaganda. Run the propaganda.
All of you guys in mainstream media
are pure propaganda
and you don't even know it.
So that brings me to what you referenced
a little earlier, Jake, and that is
CBS correspondent Jane Crawford.
She was asked what she believed was
the most underreported story of 2024.
And her reply went viral.
And I'm just going to preface it by saying
I commend her for this admission.
Take a look.
That would be, to me, Joe Biden's obvious
cognitive decline that became undeniable
in the televised debate at the.
- Presidential debate with Donald Trump.
- Unquestioned.
And, you know, it's starting to emerge now
that his advisers
kind of managed his limitations.
It's been reported
in the Wall Street Journal for four years.
And yet he insisted
that he could still run for president.
We should have much more forcefully
questioned whether he was fit for office
for another four years, which could
have led to a primary for the Democrats.
It could have changed the the the scope
of the entire election.
Yet still, incredibly,
we read in the Washington Post that his
advisers are saying that he regrets
that he dropped out of the race.
You know, that he thinks
he could have beaten Trump.
And I think that is either delusional
or they're gaslighting.
President Biden has.
So just to clarify, at the very end, she
says, I think that is either delusional or
they're gaslighting the American people.
But Robert Costa decided to butt in
and incredibly, believe it or not,
continue to provide cover for Biden.
Let's watch.
President Biden has said repeatedly
he was sick during the debate June 27th
in Atlanta, and he's always been fine.
And he leaves fine.
That is his position, the position
of many of his top aides as well,
even though there is that reporting.
So, okay, so is that the standard
operating procedure for Robert Costa?
Is that how he does his reporting?
If a politician says it, then it is
by definition true and I print it.
- Come on.
- Yeah I mean look they're still doing it.
This is a her saying
that is a big national headline story.
Because it's the first time
any reporter on television is saying,
hey, maybe we should have actually
covered Joe Biden in a fair way
and been a little bit tougher on him,
given that his aides are now saying
that he was in mental decline the
entire time he was president of the United
States of America and commander in chief.
Look, guys, if we're being honest,
we should have been having a conversation
about the 25th amendment.
So the guy obviously doesn't know
what's happening at all.
This guy who's in such bad shape,
he literally doesn't even realize
he had no chance of winning.
He lives on a different planet, right?
He's so detached from reality.
They asked him about the drones
and he's like, oh, I heard they were fine.
He's not in charge.
And did anyone say the 25th amendment did?
I mean, they didn't come
within miles of that when she finally says
it at the end here after it's too late.
Even then, people are scandalized by it.
I know it's amazing because they think
their job is to protect the establishment,
to protect the people in power.
Whenever it's an outsider, right wing
or left wing, they shred him to pieces.
And whenever it's an insider, they're
like, oh, we pray to you, we worship you.
So I loathe mainstream media
and all they are is marketing
for the status quo and corporate rule.
So now back to Biden.
So this guy, how many times
did I tell you on this show?
Frozen in amber, frozen in the 1970s.
Now, let me tell you, one of the experts
that the that The Washington Post
talked to Zelizer.
He said President Biden and his supporters
often yearn for a world that disappeared.
You can't actually govern
the way you did in the 1970s, in 2021.
Now, why does that person say that?
Because all of the reporting
is that Joe Biden wanted to run the place
like it was the 1970s.
And he thought, well, no, I'm going to
bring people back to the way it should be
and show that Trump was just a fad
and that no one should worry about him.
He was just an aberration.
And we're going to instill faith back
into our systems and our institutions.
Well, brother, if you're talking about
the Constitution and democracy,
that makes sense.
But if you're talking about
instilling faith in the system,
that is money and politics and corruption
and the current system that we have.
The country despises that system.
And so what he did was say,
well, I love this.
And by the way, at a bare minimum,
can you distinguish between the two
things, the foundations of the country
that they love and the
current corrupt system that they hate?
But even more important than that, guys,
do they even understand that difference?
And the answer is a resounding no.
No one inside the white House
for four straight years
understood the simple concept
of people aren't mad at the Constitution.
They're not mad at democracy.
They're mad at money in politics.
They're mad at the corruption.
They're mad that you're obviously
serving the donors, obviously.
So then the second part of it
is they're like, oh,
it turns out it's a new media ecosystem.
And Joe Biden was just hoping
that they would be kind to him,
even if he didn't make his own case.
But it turns out they weren't, or at least
not sufficiently enough for him.
He's like, they kissed me
only on my left cheek.
I expected them to kiss on the left
and the right and the middle cheeks.
And so there's a middle cheek.
Well, there's a lot in the middle. Right?
And Biden wanted all of it.
And he's like, what?
The media won't serve me
even though I'm the ruler.
And so look, guys, again,
put aside the media bias,
put aside the establishment's perspective,
but look at how little they care about
figuring out the political world as it is.
Because if they think Trump is that
dangerous, you should do your homework
and you should work overtime to figure
out, hey, what media ecosystem are we in?
Is how do we get our message out?
Should we try different things
to get our message out?
Or should we just stick
with old man Biden?
Sort of like the 1970s.
We'll just do the right thing
and say that the system
is the greatest thing in the world,
and they're all supporters magically.
I mean, you have to be a moron to say, I'm
sorry, guys, but if you're in Washington,
you have no idea how stupid you are.
Like, you keep talking down to everyone,
like you know things and then you don't do
the most simple homework.
Hey, gee, I wonder
how we can win an election.
I wonder how we get our message out.
And by the way, you want to know a clue?
Here, I'll buy you a clue.
Do your own press conferences.
If you had a president
who wasn't in mental decline that you were
trying to hide because you're all corrupt
and you're all intensely selfish
and don't care about the American people
or American democracy at all.
What you would have done
is had a strong president come out
and go look at these inflation numbers.
I know they're problematic, and I'm on it,
and we're going to work on price gouging,
but we're we did so much better than the
rest of the world France, Germany, etc..
Japan. You make your case right.
Look at these unemployment numbers.
The record low unemployment.
Why didn't Joe Biden do the bare,
bare minimum?
Because he's so arrogant and he's so stuck
in the old ways, and he didn't care to
change, even if it damned his own party,
even if it damned a country.
He his ego, was more important
than everything else combined.
I loathe that man now.
This propaganda of how he's a sweet
old man and he cares about people
and how much empathy he has.
That's nothing but junk marketing paid
by a bunch of crooks in mainstream media.
So lastly. Anna.
Look, I told you about the charges
against Trump are also true against Biden.
So what were those people said?
That Trump was a huge liar.
That's true.
I said that, and that's definitely true.
Well, what's Joe Biden?
He's been lying about his mental decline
for four straight years,
let alone the fact that he's told
many other outrageous lies that he was
arrested with Nelson Mandela while
protesting apartheid in South Africa.
That is not a small lie.
That would have been
one of Trump's biggest lies
that his uncle was eaten by cannibals.
Lunatic lies.
But mainstream media realizes
after the election.
Oh, maybe we should have
challenged them once, right?
At least, at least some did realize it.
At least most haven't even realized that.
No, I know, I know, I know.
So. That's right. So number one.
Giant liar. True of Trump.
True of Joe Biden. Giant ego.
What did Biden do?
I'm not stepping aside.
It has to be me, me, me me me me.
I don't care about anyone else.
I am the demigod. It must be me.
I don't care if I'm going to get checked
into a senior citizen center.
The day after the election.
Number three against democracy.
Well, what you do, brother.
You made sure there was no
primary on the Democratic side.
You made sure no one else
had any opportunities.
You canceled primary after primary.
Your party did
and you ate it and abetted that.
So you were against democracy
and finally meddling
with his own government officials.
You know, Trump famously,
I'm disappointed with my attorney
General Sessions and all that stuff.
And what what did Biden do at the end?
Oh, I'm disappointed in my attorney
general, just like Trump said.
And I wish that he'd investigated
my political opponent earlier.
- Now that and more.
- Aggressively and.
More aggressively, that at least has
some merit on the substance, right?
Because it made it seem
more political to do it later.
But look, he's saying,
I wish I had meddled with my attorney
general and made him investigate
my political opponent earlier,
and I wish I would have meddled with him
and made sure he never investigated me
or my family, or anyone attached to me.
That's exactly what we said
was wrong with Donald Trump for for
for exact same things Biden and Trump
now, did the press cover it that way?
We did.
Did did the right wing media tell you
all the problems with Trump?
Did the left wing media tell you
all the problems with Biden?
Did mainstream media tell you
all the problems with the establishment?
No, because they're all doing
propaganda and marketing.
None of them are actually doing the news.
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