Nov 22, 2024
Lindsey Graham Takes Bootlicking To EXTREMES Over AG Pick
Senator Lindsey Graham couldn't contain himself over his excitement of President-elect Donald Trump's nomination of Pam Bondi for Attorney General.
- 23 minutes
Over the past decade or so,
we have had to watch
as a never ending train of Republicans
queue up to lick Donald Trump's boots.
But I think all of them could take notes
from Senator Lindsey Graham,
who, when he saw that Pam Bondi
was going to be the second pick
for Trump's AG. Here is what he tweeted.
Well done, Mr. President.
Picking Pam Bondi
for Attorney General is a grand slam.
Touchdown hole in one ace. Hat trick.
Slam dunk. Olympic gold medal pick.
She will be confirmed quickly because she
deserves to be confirmed quickly.
I don't know what. He's a full grown man.
I don't I don't know
what that's supposed to be like.
- If I know what it is.
- It's.
- What is it?
- It's a grand slam.
Touchdown! Hole in one ace.
Hat trick. Slam dunk.
Olympic gold medal. Ass kissing.
I mean, if anyone deserves a gold medal
in ass kissing, it's Lindsey Graham.
So remember, like, when he thought Trump
was going to lose in this election cycle.
He started talking crap about him. Okay.
The minute he realized Trump is going
to win, he's like, I meant gold medal.
And please. Please, Donald.
So. But
but there's something more important
than the usual Lindsey Graham groveling.
And he's such a hilarious,
pathetic sniveler that we enjoy it.
I, like I said this
on yesterday's program.
I said it today,
this morning on Don Lemon's show.
I'm saying it here.
Pam Bondi is going to fly by
in these confirmation proceedings.
She's going to be win easily
confirmed ease super easily.
And there is a there's one reason why.
Because she's corrupt
and the Senate loves corruption.
Absolutely positively loves it.
That's why when she was picked, they know
her record, which we're about to tell you.
And when they saw how corrupt she is,
they're like, yes, that's the right pick.
Okay. It's Matt Gaetz.
Guy was annoying,
challenging Republican colleagues
and freaking anti-war or something.
Plus, he's a dirtbag.
But like, but they're all dirtbags,
so they don't really
care about that part, right?
What they cared about is, oh, Pam Bondi,
unmitigated, unadulterated corruption.
Yes. Yeah.
So tell us about
our next attorney general.
Yeah, we're going
to get into all of those.
I just want to point out and look,
I it feels weird
that I have to be the person to do this.
I don't have a reputation of being
super into sports compared to some of
the other people around here, although I
do go to a lot of events of sport.
It just feels super weird, like he.
Is he on a thesaurus or something?
Like, did he ChatGPT.
What's what's an impressive sports thing?
Like Olympic gold medal.
You're going to put that
in the same list as, like, an ace.
Like, I've played tennis.
I've played volleyball.
Those are wildly
different levels of achievement.
It just seems strange.
Like, think before you kiss.
But, I mean, there's.
An excellent chance that Lindsey Graham's
never played a sport in his life.
Which is fine, but you don't have
to throw around the lingo.
I generally do it as a self-effacing joke,
but I don't think
that's what he's doing here.
He just is one.
But anyway, let's dive a little bit
into the background and qualifications
of Trump's new pick
to be the attorney General, Pam Bondi.
So we are learning a lot about her.
And to be fair, she's popped up
in the news previously.
TYT has done stories on her.
And we want to get into a little bit
of what Jake had been saying previously
on the show about how likely she is
to sort of sail through here,
because certain types of people
who might have had a problem
with a Matt Gaetz are probably not going
to have a problem with her.
And we're going to play a little bit of
Ana Navarro vouching for her on The View.
So you get an idea
of what we're talking about.
I have known Pam Bondi
for many, many, many years.
I will tell you, I don't want to ruin
her reputation with MAGA people,
but Pam Bondi and I hung out a lot
when she was attorney general of Florida,
and she would come to Miami.
We drank a lot together.
I liked her a lot.
She's not a kook.
What's a little election denialism
Nihilism between friends.
Well, you know, at least. At least listen.
Everything in life is relative.
People denialism is a very big deal.
We got to take what we
can find him saying this.
Everything in life is relative.
There is no accusation of
sexual harassment or assault against her.
There is no accusation of
sexual misconduct with her 17 year olds.
No accusations.
She hasn't killed or beheaded a whale.
She hasn't stabbed a dead bear cub.
I mean, my God, we can't minimize
some of the things that she has done.
And I think we have a clip
of some of her former comments.
Why don't we take a look?
We are thrilled to have won Pennsylvania
with 87% of the vote in, and we're up
almost 400,000 votes, so we're thrilled.
We do have evidence of cheating.
We are not going anywhere until they
declare that we won Pennsylvania.
Yeah, eventually they did because
they didn't win Pennsylvania, of course.
And so look, Anna Navarro I guess is like,
what, 8% joking there, 12% joking,
I don't know, but I think her point
is he she hasn't done some of the stuff
that Matt Gaetz has done.
She's not, you know, being accused
of committing sex crimes or other crimes.
I mean, you know, we'll see if anybody
has access to her Venmo history.
Feel free to send that to me.
I'll protect your confidentiality and
we'll see if there's anything in there.
But the idea that simply because
she's one of the nominees
that isn't accused of sexual assault and
hasn't done bizarre things with animals,
well, then I guess we're done.
We can have her.
Even though she herself
brought up the fact that what should be
one of the most disqualifying things,
a predisposition to allow
a wannabe strongman to deny the results
of elections that he doesn't win.
Like, if that doesn't concern you
about the chief law enforcement,
someone who theoretically
would be brought in to get involved with
manipulating the results of elections,
then I don't know what would.
No, exactly as predicted.
So Anna Navarro is a uniparty corporate
Democrat, former corporate Republican
loves Pam Bondi's corruption.
They've had drinks over it. Okay, so.
And look at what she's saying.
There's no sex scandal and there's
no animal scandal, so she's fine.
I don't think that that's
the qualification for attorney general.
Okay, so. And to her,
the idea of the over the top corruption
that we're about to tell you about
is more important than a sex
scandal or what you did to a dead bear
or a worm is like what the worm did do
in in part of the reason why,
guys, is they, as I've been telling you
a thousand times, they use sex to attack
anyone who isn't pro-establishment.
Any kind of sexual allegations, etc.
And some of them are totally real, right?
So it's a mixed bag on that stuff.
But but they also they just don't
find any of the awful things that we
hate about politics to be offensive.
They love those things.
So that's why they view
those kind of charges
as a way to attack people they don't like.
But the minute that she likes Bondi,
Bondi said that we should go after all
the prosecutors and the investigators.
We've got that clip. Why don't we play?
So yeah, we're going to play
that clip for you in one second.
And then it's Ana Navarro
who was telling us Trump's going
to take away democracy and going to arrest
his political opponents,
not concerned because she knows Pam Bondi
and Pam Bondi is going
to look out for the donors.
She's fine. Interesting.
Watch, watch the actual Pam Bondi here.
The Department of Justice,
the prosecutors will be prosecuted.
The bad ones.
The investigators will be investigated
because the deep state last term
for President Trump, they were hiding in
the shadows, but now they have a spotlight
on them and they can all be investigated.
I mean, you combine those two things
if he tries to challenge
the results of an election.
And by the way, not even necessarily
like he runs for a third term or whatever.
But just like, I don't know,
maybe the midterms, maybe they lose
a couple of Senate races in the midterms.
And oh, there goes Pam Bondi
to to hash things out so she she's
willing to deny the results of elections.
She's his personal lawyer
which is already a big norms are being
shredded left and right in terms
of the the independence of the DOJ.
But then we're also we're now promising
we're going to weaponize the DOJ.
Forget all that stuff we said
about how that was a bad thing.
No, that's specifically
what we're going to do.
Anyone who investigated Donald Trump
for the crimes we all know he committed,
he committed most of them
in full, plain sight.
He got off because of judicial corruption,
not because he didn't do those things.
If you rightly investigated him
for crimes he doesn't even deny doing,
then you yourself should be investigated
for doing your goddamn job.
Yeah, and she has a history of this as
we're about to show you for benefactors.
So in this case,
Donald Trump's her benefactor.
But in the past,
other people have been her benefactors
and she has served them loyally.
That is why Lindsey Graham and Ana Navarro
are beyond themselves and going,
this is the perfect corrupt pick.
Okay, so let me just remind you
of one of the stories.
And then John has a new one for you.
So yesterday we told you about how,
and but fun little details
that I didn't mention yesterday.
So the way that it broke down
with her and Trump originally
is she was attorney general of Florida.
Trump was running a fake university,
Trump University, and all the attorney
general started investigating it,
realizing that it's not real at all
and that he's robbing people blind.
So she gets that same memo.
And instead of launching an investigation,
she calls Donald Trump
and asks him for a contribution.
And by the way,
she her lawyer confirms this.
So then Donald Trump sends her $25,000
from his fake charity for his to get
off on charges about his fake university.
Okay. That is illegal.
Later, Donald Trump pays a $2,500 fine
for illegally sending her $25,000
from a charity to a political action
committee, basically.
And so, so then she goes four days later
after she had cleared the check clears.
She goes, oh, I looked into it
and decided that there's nothing here.
Well, you said like literally
two weeks ago that you were
considering investigating this
and you're joining the case.
Yeah, I considered it.
After the $25,000 check, I decided not to.
Okay, so.
Well, and by the way,
remember that charity
Donald Trump admitted was fraudulent,
paid a $2 million fine and disbanded it
and the university that she was originally
considering looking into also fraudulent.
Donald Trump also admitted that
and paid a $25 million penalty.
And by the way, that penalty could
have been larger if people like Pam Bondi
joined in on that suit.
But since she got bribed
by Donald Trump illegally in this case,
she dropped the case because she is.
And you're going to see it
even more starkly in the next story.
She doesn't care about morality at all,
doing the job at all.
There's only one thing she cares about.
Where's the money?
Wherever the money is,
I will serve those donors loyally.
And I will destroy law
and order on their behalf.
And the only thing I would add is, even
if you don't think wrongly, if you don't
think that what happened between Trump,
her and Trump University was wildly, like,
objectively corrupt, it's just bribery.
That's all it is.
Even if you set all that aside.
She looked into it and thought,
there's nothing there.
She was dead wrong.
He was robbing people blind.
He was robbing
his most devoted followers blind.
And she, in her official capacity
as the A.G.
Of Florida, just couldn't see it.
So even if you don't think she's corrupt,
I guess she's incompetent.
And do you want her to be the chief law
enforcement officer of the United States?
She's going to be trying to take down
transnational criminal organizations.
She's going to be challenging
Big pharma and all that.
She's so stupid.
She couldn't even see
the corruption in Trump University.
And that's the most
generous look at it, obviously.
- Yeah, obviously.
- I think it's just corrupt.
But yeah, but but guys think about it.
So even Donald Trump, who never admits
fault, admitted that it was a scam
and paid a gigantic $25 million fine.
Do you know how bad it has to be
for Donald Trump to admit it
and pay that large a fine?
And Pam Bondi couldn't see any evidence
in a best case scenario, as John laid out.
So of course she saw
overwhelming evidence.
And it shows you again what she
cares about and doesn't care about.
And so we're going to have someone who's
really brazen here over the top in saying,
as long as someone with money gives them,
gives it to me, I will do anything,
anything that they want.
So it's craven.
And look,
Donald Trump is paying loyalists.
And so he thinks this is perfect.
She's already proven her loyalty to me.
She's already proven that she's
willing to break the law for me.
She's already proven
she has no morals at all.
And she said that she's going to illegally
go after prosecutors and investigators.
She didn't.
She never said,
and I why do I say illegally?
She never said
they had committed any crimes.
Yeah, right.
She's just like I didn't like
what they did politically.
So I'm going to target them legally.
I mean, that is exactly what you said the
Democrats were doing, except the Democrats
actually had showed overwhelming evidence
of the crimes of Donald Trump here.
They're saying, I don't need crimes.
All I need is Donald Trump to tell me to
arrest our enemies, and I'll arrest them.
And and if you include a check,
I'll I'll give you special kickers on it.
So but now let's look at it
from a non-trump perspective.
So you know who she is
and how this isn't about Trump.
Okay, sorry, not involving him literally
at all, but yeah, let's learn
a little bit more about Pam Bondi,
who could well become the AG. So back in
2010, there were two attorneys in Florida.
So they were working
for the state attorneys general office,
and they discovered a scam.
They did great work in unveiling it.
And here's basically what it looked like.
So this is June Clarkson
and Teresa Edwards.
And what they found was that there was
a group of law firms in Florida referred
to as foreclosure mills because they
were doing all these mass foreclosures.
And one of the tools they used to do that
was that they had hundreds of thousands
of falsified documents that were used
in the pursuit of these foreclosures,
and a group of victims of the foreclosures
had found these documents
that were literally signed things
like bogus assignee or whatever.
They had documents dated 999999, which
either proves that the documents were
fraudulent or time travel is involved.
And I'm worried about either one
of those incidents, but they had documents
notarized on dates before they
were allegedly created, more evidence,
possibly of a temporal incursion.
The false documents were necessary
because bankers,
banks and lenders striving during
the housing bubble to sell mortgages
and deliver them to investors securitize
the loans without maintaining chain of
title, botching the true ownership record.
So there's like gaps in the documentation
and rather than that potentially be
uncovered and a judge getting involved
and that potentially going against those
with the mortgages and potentially
going towards the actual homeowners,
they just make it up.
They just falsify a bunch of the documents
so they can do their foreclosures
and make more money.
And so the attorneys general office,
seeing this evidence being provided
by the lawyers and the victims,
open investigations into these mills.
And before long, the bank stopped pursuing
the foreclosures, which is a great thing,
because they're actually
following the law, and also
because people aren't fraudulently
having their homes stolen from them.
So at that point, Pam Bondi gets
elected Florida's attorney general.
And so she won election thanks in part
to donations, thousands of dollars in
contributions from none other than lender
Processing services and its affiliates.
Obviously, among the foreclosure mills,
they got involved and they put money
towards a candidate that they thought
would go easier on them after they
had been breaking the law, to be clear.
And so the two attorneys who had
first been pursuing these documents
and these foreclosure mills
were frozen out of the investigation
within just a couple of months,
they were actually fired, despite doing
an amazing job in unveiling this.
This is like the the definition
of justice.
They get fired for their trouble.
And so when asked why they were let go,
their supervisor told them
it came from the top.
Tallahassee didn't give me a reason.
And of course at that point she is
the top of Florida's law enforcement.
And by the way, that wasn't all that Bondi
ended up giving to the foreclosure mills
getting rid of this investigation.
After Clarkson Edwards left
the Florida Attorney General's office,
never issued another subpoena to any
foreclosure mill or associated target.
Bondi settled one case
with a mill for just $2 million,
a small portion of the profits that they
had gotten from breaking the law.
Other investigations
were closed without charges.
Top deputies from the AG's office
became senior executives at LPs
and other foreclosure mills.
So literally, like,
it's even more direct than just lobbying.
They literally they shut
down the investigations of companies
that they were then hired at.
So they got paid beforehand.
Then they're in the AG's office,
they shut down the investigations,
and then they get paid again in the jobs,
the most obvious corruption imaginable.
And we have some other red flags
that we should talk about.
But that's pretty bad, Jake.
So, guys, this is exactly what I talk.
What I mean when I say corruption
so it doesn't get any more direct than,
oh, you gave me a campaign contribution.
You're a criminal
who's robbing my citizens blind.
My job as attorney general
is to protect the citizens of Florida.
But I'm going to screw them over
because you bribe me.
In that case, legally.
Campaign contributions,
unfortunately, are legalized bribes.
So I'm going to fire any prosecutor
who would protect you.
And I'm going to make sure
that your fines are minimal or go away.
I mean, if this isn't corruption, what is?
And if you're in Florida
and you're a Republican,
what did you want to be robbed by your.
By a mortgage company.
Did you want them to foreclose on you
when you hadn't done anything wrong?
Can you imagine how enraged you'd be
taking away your home,
your personal property when you played
by the rules and you did everything right.
But her counter to you is.
Yeah, but I got a really large
campaign contribution.
So. And I served the rich,
the elites, the establishment.
ET cetera.
Look at how excited
the establishment is when she's picked.
So you can all close your eyes to it.
If you're on the right and you could
say no, daddy, Trump is always right.
So if she's protecting Trump and she's
going to arrest our opponents and and
serve the donor class, I'm here for it.
And I love it. Well, okay, then.
I guess you never meant anything
you ever said about the Democrats
or the left or the establishment.
So we're going to get to find out
who Trump is.
I mean, we're pretty sure because
he picks people like Pam Bondi, right?
We know who Pam Bondi is, right.
And now the next thing
that we're going to find out
is who are the right wing voters.
So in this case you won't you
will not be faced with a decision.
It won't get to you.
Some votes will be close enough.
Some issues will be close enough.
That right wing populist, if I'm right,
could swing it one way or another,
and they could either choose
to go in the wrong direction and go,
oh yeah, throw away all the leftists.
Yeah, screw freedom. We hate it, right?
Or they could say, no,
we didn't mean arrest them.
That's crazy.
We didn't mean serve the donors.
That's crazy.
But it won't be on this one
because she's going to sail through,
since if I'm right, the establishment will
love her and they'll put up a fake fight.
Oh, golly gee, we are so worried
about this or that.
You are a bad Trump person.
Okay, but go on through.
Go on through right away. Right away.
And you'll see. You'll see.
Yeah, yeah.
Because as bad as this looks,
as far as we know, she's never
gone buck wild at a cocaine orgy.
So I guess she's cool.
That's a sad standard
for the top law enforcement officer.
And I totally agree.
Like, it's one thing for your
chosen representatives to fail you
and you to not mind.
Like they try.
And it doesn't work out or something,
but when they're specifically
and intentionally robbing you, it's
very strange that that doesn't bother you.
Like, again, it's Florida.
It's the majority of the people
who are having their houses
stolen from them are Republicans.
They might be MAGA Republicans.
She helped make that happen
in the same way that it is Trump lovers
who are being scammed by Trump University.
She tried to keep them as screwed
as they had been, and they don't mind.
They just don't seem to care.
And obviously we have a bit
of a disagreement about some of the
terminology, but like, I find this to be
a perfect example of why I think the
populism of the right is an utter sham.
It always comes down to this.
She says the right thing
about immigration on Fox News, and then
she goes and delivers to corporations like
their populism is, you know, Disney
releases a movie where there's a gay kiss.
So they say to to boycott it.
And then they cut Disney's taxes in half
the next time they're in office.
Like, that's what it is.
It's like it's identity politics and like,
like culture wars Was in the front,
but then the action is all delivering
to the richest
and most powerful people in the country.
Not sometimes, predictably,
every single time.
John, for the record,
we don't have a disagreement on that.
You're talking about the Republican
leaders and Trump and and his crew.
I agree with you.
That's all they've ever done so far.
I'm talking about the right
wing populists of voters.
Voters. Okay, okay.
And and so we'll see
if they have rebellion in them,
if they believed in freedom or they
actually secretly love corruption and the
establishment as long as Trump does it.
I just want to mention one other thing,
possibly for a quick I was
doing more research on Pam Bondi.
So she had said last year,
and we might have covered it at that
point, that campus protesters
who expressed support for Hamas.
God only knows how they define
that should face FBI questioning.
So look, she's supposed to be like,
you know, she's not a judge or whatever,
but she's a chief law enforcement officer.
Has she literally ever seen
the Constitution?
Has she ever been within a country
mile of the Constitution?
She thinks First Amendment?
No, not if you say something I don't like.
Forget about it.
And guys, you know,
that's easy to decipher.
Code word for anyone who protests Israel.
So it's not like they're going to be like,
oh no, they were protesting Israel because
we're spending too much money on Israel
and we're concerned about the war crimes.
Oh, but those guys actually support Hamas.
Let's just target those guys.
No, they're going to round up everyone
and they're going to say,
how dare you not bow your head to Israel.
So another reason why she's establishment
and and neocon, etc.,
that's why she's going to fly through.
And by the way, same thing with Hegseth,
who we're going to talk about
in the next segment.
Hegseth thinks that the US military
should be used against Americans
if they defy Israel.
Like these guys aren't populist.
They're not America first.
Right. These are total frauds.
So we'll see if right wing goes. Yeah.
As long as they're my frauds,
I'm good with it.
And I'm. I know no one else is curious.
Everybody thinks that the jury is in,
but I'm curious as to which way
they're going to go on that?
Well, I'm curious with this Hamas thing,
how many Democrats
will end up voting for her?
Maybe she'll get the 15.
Oh, no, I'm not I'm not playing with you.
Democrats might vote for her
because she's so pro corruption,
pro establishment and they love that.
So she might get half the Democrats. Yeah.
Hell she might get multiple votes
from people she'll end
up trying to throw in prison.
But we'll see.
- Let's see what Adam Schiff does.
- Oh, Adam Schiff oh my God.
He's like, wait, you're going to arrest
every Israel protester.
They're going to be dragging him away
to a gulag, and he's going to be trying
to get to the button to vote for her
as he's dragged away.
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The Young Turks: November 22, 2024
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